So you’re part of the problem. Smash Brothers= Rape Culture. Stop enabling and supporting rape, Cecilia. Please, stahp.
So you’re part of the problem. Smash Brothers= Rape Culture. Stop enabling and supporting rape, Cecilia. Please, stahp.
Stop using ‘survivors’.
When talking about something alleged, something unproven, something that is not even being taken to court you don’t get to be a ‘survivor’.
Or, fine. Know what. I’m a shark attack survivor. Because I say so. A shark once attacked me. Bit off both my arms, but I managed to kill it with my…
You have already put more forethought into this then they did.
People already get into fights, giving them all automatic weapons and alcohol couldn’t make anything worse.
Middle eastern countries are already fighting, giving them all access to the nuclear arsenal couldn’t make it any worse.
The ‘people do it anyway so who cares’ is never a good argument to make about something…
‘Albeit videos with unsavory content’
Oh, but you’re not talking about child porn are you? Nope, we already have laws against that. It’s the dreaded non-PC opinions that really need to be shammed, flagged, maybe doxed, and then tarred and feathered right?
What I find the most fascinating is that the dyed in the…
White character, white scarecrows. . . pretty white Stardew you have there Nathan.
Why no diversity? Why are you afraid of people of color?
That sports coat is a goddamned disgrace.
Uh, huckster just means a con man. I’ve always heard it applied to carnies who are, you know, usually quite white.
But way to try and make this into an identity politics thing.
Agreed, it’s apparently a riot, not a protest.
So this is like a direct refutation of Kotaku’s identity politics over art position? Interesting.
So this is all an act, right? I mean this is the most coverage of women’s soccer I’ve seen in, oh, ever. So I guess it’s working.
I am now aware that a professional soccer league exists. For women. Next thing you’ll tell me that a men’s league exists, too.
Why do the hipsters need a special safe space for their news? Are they really that infantile and conforming to every stereotype?
She should be chastised for that disaster of a hipster outfit.
Did 90210 throwup and that vomit grew up to be a person on TV?
Well. . . I mean wildfires are very important for an ecosystem.
I’m not saying Trump is a good choice, but your analogy doesn’t really make sense.
That’s like complaining about a shark eating fish.
I will give Trump this, at least he’s so stupid he’s accidentally honest.
When ol’ HIll is president don’t worry there will be plenty of war crimes, she’s just a much, much better liar.
That ASMR stuff actually does give me the tingles. Weird.
I was going to put that up as satire, making fun of the ridiculous nature of modern Kotaku, but you beat me to it! Well done!
Aren’t people silly when they look at art and say ‘I’ll judge that representation of a woman based on her looks and shame the fictional character and the artist for it’?
Well done! Next you…
Yeah but Kotaku’s biases are so obvious you can pick up on them during a slow week.
Games made by our friends= always good and ground breaking and inclusive.
Games that have female characters = always problematic due to fat-shaming, sexism, ableism, non-lesbianism, or something.
Games with pixel graphics that involve…
And if they had made Lara be ‘funny’ and making light of her situation what would you have discovered to complain about then?
Studio reboots Tomb Raider with a tough-as-nails lead character surviving crazy horrible shit that would make Nathan Drake run away and you people bitch non-stop about it. She’s too strong.…
‘This is horribly sexist and offensive and they are clearly regressing and this game is probably Hitler-aids, but I’ll reserve judgement until later’
Does this lack of self-awareness hurt?