
Jesus, I hope Glover got hazard pay, some Scope, and a hepatitis shot.

I also like the wish fulfillment of a total stud like Troy getting down with the self-described marshmellow who lacks all social skills, is at once totally selfish and totally tone-deaf. Yeah, doesn’t seem like wish fulfillment in making her own

Never seen Always Sunny have you?

Look up the term ‘justifying’.

Hannah is nothing but a Cypher for Dunham, it’s her way of doing public penance for being a horrible, horrible person in real life but this way she gets all kinds of people like you to defend her online because now we can see the world through her eyes.

And that world is apparently full

It’s like nails on a chalkboard. The very definition of the firstest of first world problems by a bunch of trust fund girly girls who just want to find love and all, but really don’t want to, you know, do anything.

That show does more to make millenial women, especially white women (because there are no POC in

Thank fucking god.

No, she is putting these extremely dismissive and awful thoughts into a another person’s head. That’s the problem here.

If I wrote an article where I said ‘and this justachick person was looking at me, just wanting to rape me, fantasizing about the holocaust’ you would probably have a problem with me just putting

I agree with you except that Schumer is popular because of men.

I’m going out on a limb and say that most men find both of these women shrill and narcissistic without anything to back up that narcissism.

Lena Dunham is fantastically unattractive and I don’t mean her physical looks. She goes well out of her way to make

Yeah, bring it on. If the creators want to. If they don’t, you are free to not purchase their product or to support new, fresh voices making the games you want. You can write in to EA and say you want an all-rotund female trans Medal of Honor game.

But leave the regular Medal of Honor games alone.

Forcing Captain

Okami, the female wolf god begs to differ.

Samus is encased in gender neutral armor. At least in the good games.

My characters in Fallout or Skyrim can be chunky or downright ugly. No they can’t be obese because I’m sorry but if I’m jogging 90 miles through hostile territory because I can’t afford a horse my character


If you were a woman Jezebel would be falling all over each other to explain how your curves make you beautiful.

But you’re a man so youre just an ugo.

Yeah advertisers hate it when an audience of 3 million people see their ad that they paid a pittance for. Ugh, it’s so awful that it had to be tied to a man making poopy sounds while playing a bad video game. The horror!

You think it’s only the racists getting demonetized?

This is either just a way for youtube to

Yeah, that isn’t what this is about. . .

Speaking of a joke. Youtube Red.

Agreed. Who the fuck watches youtube without adblock on anyway? It’s unbearable otherwise. A lot like Kotaku.

And ultra-censored 90s TV is just a treasure trove of bold, fresh ideas that in no way got eaten alive by the internet right?

I’m so glad they made Deadpool a tween friendly PG movie, right?

Amy Schumer? From now on it will be jokes about how tough it is to do all the cooking and keep a clean house, missy!


So authors like Orwell should have just given his books away? Not tried to make a living with them?

No stand-up comedian should ever do anything but tell jokes about airline food and if they want to ‘get political’ they can do it on their own time, right?

No website, like say Kotaku, should ever push identity politics

Because if your editor told you you were no longer allowed to ever write about X, Y, and Z and those things were vitally important to you and you think defined you as a journalist you would just chose to work for no money, right?

Censorship: is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.

So if you make your living as a stand-up

I was just going to ask that. I mean, I do have some really hot cousins. . .