Except this is one of the ways that tax haven Delaware makes money, by siding with patent trolls for a cut of the green.
Except this is one of the ways that tax haven Delaware makes money, by siding with patent trolls for a cut of the green.
Yeah, no idea why people think you’re on BT’s side. . .
Your last sentence completely contradicts the one before it. BT, as a huge corporation, thinks it can win simply by bleeding Valve of money in court so that Valve has to settle. Therefore they’ll ‘win’.
BT is now a patent troll. Their claims are so nebulous they could be applied to any platform. Games for Windows…
So BT has had several really bad quarters and they know where the future is going. The solution? Become a patent troll! Great PR.
If they win it’s going to set a new, terrible precedent. More and more big companies will just start blanket patenting these nebulous technologies that no judge actually understands and…
Dammit I came here just to put this picture up.
Middle school is rough. No way around it. Actually, so is high school. And even college, lots of drinking to cope with the pain. And then you are cast out into the real world.
Between like 10 years old and the sweet final few years of retirement it’s all a little rough. Some of those middle school kids should be…
That poor woman! Someone took some photos of her on vacation and now all these sleazy websites are putting them up everywhere objectifying her and laughing about her genitals.
Then, when the websites found out the woman was mortified they doubled down and not only called her stupid (blaming the victim) but linked back…
Very cute, but I’ve been over on Jezebel so I know that more than half of them will grow up to be rapists and the other half will grow up to be super rapists.
The don’t provide subtitles for this show?
Team Trump? The flurries of articles I’m seeing are right here on Jezebel. . .
Oh, sorry, is this seventh article in 2 days ‘respecting her privacy’?
Because she dates a certain type of man? The asshole.
It’s not like it’s any big clue. I have a friend who kept dating asshole after asshole. The exact same type of person with different faces. And, lo and behold, each time it ended terribly. Just like the last time.
Sometimes people are attracted to the wrong kind of…
The really sad part is that Weiner was a lion of a progressive. All the stuff that people on Jez say they want government to be doing he was trying to get done.
In his personal life, he’s apparently a sleazeball. But is sending dick pics really worse than scoping out the young intern talent to suck your dick in the…
So who is going to send the first death threat over a delayed video game?
So what’s your cut off age for publishing celebrity sex tapes?
I ask the man full of hubris immediately following the destruction of his parent company for engaging in this same crap as he gleefully tries to detonate all the goodwill deadspin has built up over the years with actual journalism.
Ew. . . is it possible for internet pictures to give you hepatitis?
Those people all look slightly sticky and like they smell like the wrong end of a 19 hour Greyhound bus ride.
Just gross.
Peanut butter? You kidding? That’s banned even in the UN by now I’m pretty sure.
Other snacks don’t seem gluten free. Helicopter mommies don’t like that.
What are the best choices for unvaccinated kids who are currently dying of the bubonic plague?
Why not both?
And a musou flavored bandit kings??
Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors are my secret gaming passions. I have poured so many hundreds upon hundreds of hours into those games, maxing out every warrior, finding ultimate weapons, etc.
I dunno, they’re like mediation to me. I usually ride the exercise bike and beat several stages and more than an hour has…
Another great article, man.
I’ve been looking at your official website, too.
Please stay and save Kotaku forever. Guest editor —> actual editor.
Your stuff is informative, well-written and edited, you do actual research, and you write about the games themselves not preaching to us about social issues that are, at…
Man your articles are great. Please don’t leave.