
Wha- an article with actual interviews and interesting stories instead of two paragraphs and a link to someone else’s video or seventeen paragraphs about the author’s feelings instead of a game review?

What is this good journalism and what is it doing in Kotaku???!??

You will be very confused in some ways and not as confused in other ways.

This game had no business ever being connected with the first and both the narrative and the sales suffered for that.

It is like as if Man of Steel is a direct sequel to Reeve’s original Superman. You would be like ‘wtf is this?’

Not a great

Nice write-up.

I also liked this game, although I hit a wall with that robot thing that decimated me so badly I eventually gave up. Loved the combat system and the different branches between the two worlds.

Hated, hated, HATED the connections with Chrono Trigger. It was just pointless, nihilistic cruelty. Oh, all

The soldiers I know repsect people’s right to protest.

Hang on I’ll text one.

His response: ‘I don’t agree wit (sic) him but that’s exactly what I’m fighting for. RIght to protest in free country’

There you go.

Totally man. Those poor white crackers in rural Appalachia that get gunned down? Those cops are all rotting in federal prisons. Those unarmed white teenagers killed? Well the President invoked the white privilege decree and they were immediately resurrected with the power of Whiteness.

Don’t remember him refusing to

Oh thank God! Historical and scientific articles are back on io9! Oh, wait, this article is 6 years old. . . (weeps softly when remembering the current io9 homepage and its gossipy identity politics bullshit).

Neat story! I liked it even better when I read it in a Cracked list about 4 or 5 years ago. . .

I really hope Kotaku writes another article bragging on their journalistic integrity.

Who is Tim Howard and since when has the US had a soccer team?

Maybe that’s your answer.

My first game where I was just stunned. Made a bigger impression on me even than Mario World or Super Contra.

Just a fantastic game. Not as good as VI, of course, but I always thought VI was the actual spiritual successor to IV since it took all the great elements and made them even better.

No one is tying a scarf or ribbon to their bags?

Well, I guess you guys and gals ain’t famous for your brains. . .

But art (or graphics) are important, too.

Would Okami be as good with boring, typical PS2 3D graphics?

Would Shovel Knight be as charming if they’d just made a minecraft clone in 2d?

Games like Limbo, Transistor, Shadow Warrior, etc. all owe something important to their art style and presentation whether its stylized,

Well then that really clenches it for about half the fan base.

Yeah cyclists are the most even-keeled and rational of all people. . .

Stay in your fucking bike lane, stop running red lights, get off the goddamn sidewalk, and stop playing your shitty music from your Iphone while whipping through the children’s playground.

Five dollar fill-ups bitch.

Popcorn chicken.

Spicy, cajun style in the south.

Chicken and damn waffles.

If you bring your own waffles.

Final Fantasy II, Super Mario World,
Code Name Viper, Karnov,
Command and Conquer,
Warcraft II, Doom
Heroes of Might and Magic III

And, by far, Chrono Trigger

*Hands pacifier and small article from the New Yorker explaining projection when it comes to an article about pretentious faux-intellectuals*

Here you go, big guy. Take a read and come back in ten minutes when you’re ready to use paragraphs like a big boy.

You’re mostly an ok write writing for a mostly bankrupt and mostly failing platform that will soon mostly be stripped for parts and mostly sold off. . .

Jesus Christ, man.

I think hipsters are annoying too and these two are like Portlandia characters, but you need to chill.

I’m pretty sure this isn’t a tacit promotion of slavery anymore than people at Renaissance Faires are promoting Prima Nocta.

Not everything is a racial or gender issue. Not every. single. thing is

I’m in the wrong racket.

Ah baseball players.

They are. . . not the brightest.

If I was going to start a pyramid scheme or sell the Brooklyn Bridge I could probably do both to the Yankees.