
Forgot the bribe.

The hand-off woman got zika on the way.

The stadium collapsed mid-corruption.

A tidal wave of used diapers swamped the mafia.

The only thing that can bring us solace is all these gold medals, a functioning economy, no pandemics, and being able to go to the hospital without corrupt police kidnapping you for money.

Poor us.

Rampant cheating, booing everyone. . . keep it classy Brazil.

I’m sure the elderly would have been happier staring at their walls all day long.

Even a visit by stupid teenagers is at least something new.

? Yeah my poor ass would hate that I was getting medical care because some asshole had to pay it to settle a PR case.

Pretty sure not paying the appropriate bribe is a crime in Brazil. They have a unique constitution.

Lochte is the gift that keeps on giving.

The stupid, drunk frat boy who starts all kind of shit and then vanishes back to daddy’s mansion when the police arrive.

So. . . you’re wrong. You’re just bitching that your niche shows aren’t as popular as you’d like them to be.

You admit that they make plenty of new IPs with giant whatever, but they’re not making HOllywood movies out of your giant mecha anime?

Do you only own the one trilby? How does it match with your trench coat and

I was going to comment about the absolute plethora of giant robot and giant monster movies and anime, but I have a feeling it would be wasted effort.

Ah, what the hell.

No Godzilla or Gundam? Okay.

Pacific Rim
Attack on Titan
Big Man Japan
Kaiju Big Battel
King Kong
Big O
Mighty Morphin Power

That sucks. You can train for something all you want but sometimes your body fucks you over.

Once I was on a long night time run in Japan and boom. Emergency number 2. NO chance of making it to someplace with a public restroom.

I might have pooped in someone’s garden.

That’s for the review! That does sound neat. I’m still going to wait until some of the PC bugs are ironed out and the modding community has gone to town, but I like your idea. Very Zen.

Not surprising your elitist New York Brooklynite friends find it oh so banal.

It’s a fun book. Period. Full of nostalgia and a few clever ideas. It’s also incredibly diverse, inclusive, and a love letter straight to actual nerds.

But it was written by a straight, white male.

I can see why your crowd wouldn’t like it.

Sorry, I’m not an ‘ally’ to Brianna Wu and whatever straight up scam she ran on her kickstarters. I’m not an ‘ally’ to professional victim and occasional game designer Zoe Quinn. Not an ‘ally’ to other professional victim and other kickstarter scammer, Sarkeesian.

Nice try, though.

I’m just gonna assume you’ve all synced and this is just your visit from your aunt. So we’ll all be real quiet and let you go back to stuffing your face with ice cream.

Why isn’t ‘Jezebel’ called ‘Samson’?

I honestly thought this ‘review’ was you taking the piss about how not to get your panties in a twist over a trivial, old colloquialism.

If it was called ‘No Woman’s Sky’ would that be okay? As long as we leave out the bad gender, right?

You chicks crack me up. And whatever Bobby

This is a sport? Since when???

You’re all mistaken. That one guy thought he was in a MMA fight and kept going for the take down.

See, I found those deer nice, whereas the Nara deer were super aggressive.

THe media keeps spreading Olympic sex gossip, especially about the women! Shame on them!!

Now here is some sex gossip especially about women. Oh, and some nice booty pics, too.

Stay classy, Jezebel.

Yes those poor women always vastly underrepresented on cosplay picture compilations.

If only there was a voice for these poor, marginalized females because no one on the internet anywhere every pays attention to a woman who is cosplaying.

Truly this needed to be a women-only gallery. Keep fighting the good fight.