
Eh, people said the same thing the first time Obama won.

At the time I was also worried that they’d try to assassinate the black President, but, in the end it was a lot of sound and no real fury.

Maybe some militia will take over another isolated park out West, maybe they’ll do another adorable armed march on

Does Tsutaya still exist?


You sound like you’re trying to be a lawyer, but you’re not. . .

Capcom would not have sued because Bayonetta and Devil May Cry are different games. Just like movie studios cannot sue just because someone else is making an asteroid movie. Or a shitty giant robot movie, etc.

Similarities are not copyright infringement.

Poor Nintendo. They were doing well until this fan made Pokemon game just took the legs right from under them.

Like all those Mario hacks over the years that have cost them untold billions. . .

I hear Zelda committed suicide the other day since it was the fan brews that was keeping any new games from coming out for

*Takes Tomb Raider mechanics*

*CHanges Lara to a guy named Drake*

*Sell over and over again to people*

*Take God of War*

*Change Kratos to (variable)*

*Release for all systems every year forever*

*Take FIFA 2010*

*Make it worse than cancer*

*Sell DLC*

I’m not really getting the moral quandary you are suggesting.

The only bummer is that they can never officially mod it or put out free, ‘official’ DLC.

Agreed. And right back at the Tumblr and Jez crowd.

Men are attracted to women. Not all women. And not always ‘real women with curves’.

And there’s not a damn thing wrong with that, either.

He’s such an utter d-bag that he transcends being obnoxious or offensive and just becomes a little charming.

Like a mildly retarded yorkie that thinks it’s some kinda St. Bernard and runs around the living room bonking its head on things.

He either has extreme self-awareness or such a shocking lack of self-awareness

I missed where the pool screams at random passersby that they’re sexist for not wanting to swim in it. . .

Machu Picchu, or ‘Da Pich’ for those in the know, is one of the places in the world that doesn’t disappoint. It’s exactly as incredible as you’ve heard.

Watching the sunrise there is a magical feeling.

This is weird and very Japanese and it should exist.

And it will up until Kotaku decides something is offensive and gets its base riled up to start bombarding people with threatening emails, tweets, etc. in order to educate these poor Japanese on how they’re offending their own culture.

I can’t wait for the future of

Maybe because you’re a dead, cold fish and he’s just checking to make sure he isn’t committing necrophilia?

We already got one full neckbeard lecturing us. You two have to decide who stays and who has to ride their flip scooter home.

Every internet party needs a contrarian.

Welcome, your seat is over there. On the open garbage can.

Love this show, love this monster design. I only wish they’d used a man in a suit more often except for the blink and you’ll miss it shots.

The CGI for the final episode when it’s fully revealed is. . .not great.

I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m having trouble believing you.

At all.

Those were only moving like that because of hidden wires and mothra mandibles.

So he’s now a glacier?

Elephants are massive compared to mice but elephants still can move in a way that affects their entire body. Whales gliding have more of a change than this bipedal land glacier.

I just can’t get over how he glides across the ground. There is no up and down motion with his walk cycle. It’s like he’s riding on a cloud of dust with that ridiculous tail penis swinging wildly behind him.

This isn’t even getting into those silly arms. . .

Sorry, the design and effects of this film make this the