Okay someone take the Italian thesaurus away from Square. . .
5 DLCs for a totally unproven game? Well, shoot for the stars I guess.
But knowing how money grubbing Square has become I’d expect most of these to be ‘amazing’ costume packs.
Okay someone take the Italian thesaurus away from Square. . .
5 DLCs for a totally unproven game? Well, shoot for the stars I guess.
But knowing how money grubbing Square has become I’d expect most of these to be ‘amazing’ costume packs.
Well the only reason anyone disliked wild wild west was because they were racist against the POC lead and the POC love interest and the disabled villain.
No other reason could be possible.
So you’re saying they can fight their own battles and don’t need your lily white ass to be outraged on their behalf? Great.
Thanks, guess you’ll stop moaning now.
Yeah pretty sure someone ends up in the body of a blond woman and eventually a child. . .
Don’t think the major was 9 years old either
But if there are two westerners who do fit your criteria isn’t the studio obligated to use them constantly to fulfill the diversity quotient? I mean look at the wage gap between Western actors in Japan and the top paid Japanese actors. Only racism could explain it.
WTF? So Hollywood is now somehow a moral arbiter?
Based on what? Their success?
Here’s a secret: Hollywood isn’t Spiderman. With great power comes great profits. They are a business, a collective of artists and marketers all trying to make money and, maybe, make art about something meaningful.
They don’t owe you and…
Handful? Please check out all the remakes of Western movies done by Japan, Korea, the schlock studios of China.
How about this? Full Metal Alchemist is very European, right? Like with European names, locations, blond hair, etc? Going to be played by all Asians.
And I don’t care. But you should, if you’re against…
Benefit of the doubt? B-b-but whitewashing? My righteous indignation? My moral solitude?
Hi, welcome to the internet and the post-college world.
We know about the ‘white savior trope’. See there was this little movie called ‘Avatar’ and before that ‘Dances with Wolves’ and before that. . .
Blah, blah, blah blah.
What might blow your little mind is that other cultures have their very own version of ‘white…
We need more diversity in movies!
Here is a movie that includes a diverse cast of 4 main heroes!
How do you start a notyourshield hashtag for an entire culture?
Let them make whatever the fuck movie they want. If they want a token white guy well…
Shit, Leonidas was probably 5'2 and would get smoked by a well-trained high school track star these days. . .
Well they established that Vegeta could blow up a planet with one finger way, way way back in the day.
So what the hell do you do after that?
Hell, Buu literally destroyed the world and killed everyone.
There are no real stakes any more and power levels now just fluctuate between literal gods and mortals with all the…
Well he’s not black so you can be as racist as you want about him and no one is going to raise much of a fuss.
Donald Trump supporter, I’m guessing.
Funny he never told Mankind, Macho Man, or Hogan to speak English because it’s been 20 years and I still have no idea what those bastards were ever saying.
I’m sure Hope Solo’s family feels the same way.
Have you ever heard of
1. The loneliness of being one of those women when Hillary doesn’t throw more than a token dime of support your way, because she’s constantly taking the lion’s share of funding for herself.
2. Hillar Clinton’s lifelong pursuit of pay for play that is haunting what should be the easiest…
So the 90s articles with the huge pictures of her and talking about ‘her’ victory too were not incorrect? So this article is pointless?
Coaches getting credit is not a gendered issue. Turn on any male tennis tournament and you will have constant cutting to their dour coaches watching from the stands.
I bet no one here can name more than the starting 5 of the great Bulls team, but most people have heard of Phil Jackson, the coach.
Ditto for Duke, etc.…
Age of Mythology, maybe some Starcraft 2. Final Fantasy VI.
Peasants, do try to keep your activities at your level. Getting to swim and cool down in the summer time is something for those of us with access to private pools.
Oh, but you can swim in the very, very clean public pools. Yes. . . just take your shoes off, wade on in, and don’t worry about the broken glass, the sex…