Thanks for the interview! Nice questions!
Thanks for the interview! Nice questions!
There’s a difference between ‘offended’ and ‘annoyed’. Which is what you pussies don’t seem to understand.
Forcing girls to have their genitals mutilated offends me.
Listening to you whiny ass millenials think you’re saving the world one hashtag at a time annoys me.
One of those should be criminal. One should not.
Clint Eastwood says millenials are a pussy generation who scream and call everyone racist.
Millenial staff at Jezebel then screams and calls Clint Eastwood racist.
Slow clap for you gals.
Sure. In the children’s section.
I refuse to believe he’s actually 6'2.
Maybe because he’s so dumpy, but that guy looks like he’s maybe, maybe 5'11.
Unless he’s wearing 3 inch lifts in his shoes, which wouldn’t surprise me at all.
And a stuffed jock strap.
And a spray-on tribal tattoo.
I don’t know what that even means except it’s a dismissive saying specifically gendered.
Reverse the genders.
“I’m not going to-”
“Oh, Katie, back to the kitchen with you.”
(that sound is The Slot melting in a nuclear blast of righteous indignation)
No Tau?
This is heart-breaking.
I’m waiting to get I am Setsuna till I have more time and I was really hoping a spiritual successor for FFT was coming, too.
Will it also turn into a coffee table?
Define ‘well-written’?
Know what was actually well written? Bridesmaids. Episodes of the Office that Feig directed.
Know what wasn’t?
How? Did they protest at the theater? Did they shut down production?
Please explain how these people ‘betrayed’ you by not seeing a movie THEY DIDN”T WANT TO SEE?
That’s an amazing leap of cognitive dissonance ‘you have to like the thing I like, but if you don’t you’re just sexist! Yay! I still get to be morally…
Yeah, because that movie is doing gangbusters.
If only there were female-lead movies that did extremely well or are going to do very well.
If only there was some sci-fi franchise or young adult trilogy or upcoming sci-fi franchise or TV show about vampire slaying or upcoming super-chick movie. . .
Naw, must just be…
? What are you referring to?
People can predict a flop. People can say ‘based on the 1st weekend this movie appears to be a flop’, but I’m guessing you’re talking about Ghostbusters and I’d like to hear your rationale how it isn’t a flop?
Can we only judge movies 10 years later after they’ve been available on Netflix…
Appalling isn’t binary. There is no ‘on/off’ switch to how appalled you are.
You can either be utterly appalled (as in there is no more limit to your appalled) or you can be somewhat appalled (which you are shocked and chagrined, but not ready to bleach you soul) or you can be mildly appalled (which is bothered by…
“What if we made Superman, but instead of Superman he was just Zod and killed lots of people. Also, we have Zod in the movie?”
“What if we take the dystopian 1980s future of The Dark Knight and shoehorn in a Justice League setup into a Batman movie? Also, Zod again but this time he’s the Abomination from The…
Twice as big with half the arm length. . .
Do they ever explain in the movie why his arms are fucked up and shrunken? I just can’t take him seriously since if he ever got knocked over he’d just collapse on his face and be unable to get up again.
Well everyone disliking this movie just hates all men. Obviously. There can be no other reason.
Yeah, but segregation kind of hasn’t existed since the 60s.
Yes, yes, systemic racism, blah, blah, blah, but she’s not talking about that is she?
Yes, why is it okay to have, officially, all black colleges (or all-women colleges, or women-only Sororities, or all-black fraternities) when if you only reversed it to…
It’s his money and it’s not like he’s throwing down 10k on a bottle of wine that will be half-drunk and then thrown away forever.
This is apparently important to him and even if he ‘only’ makes 100k a year it’s not like this is breaking the bank. There are some things that I truly love that I’d be willing to spend…
That’s awesome.
Just out of curiosity where those two wicked assistants men or women? I think I can guess since the article didn’t lead with that.
This shit is the same shit sorority girls do to each other.
Some people think what’s funny and cute among them and their friends (but very inappropriate) will be fine for…