
Okay, Florida gal, you really want to talk about someone’s state being weird?



Tell you what, as soon as the naked man outside your house finishes eating someone’s face, the gators stop chewing on the kid next door, your nazi Governor finishes gutting your education system, and your dumb asses quit

And I’m not sure the ‘OMG TRUMP IS GOING TO KILL THE WORLD’ people know exactly why that is, either.

I’m still waiting for the world economy to collapse over Brexit. I guess it’s just taking a while.

And I was against Brexit, but the fear-mongering on the side of the establishment was disgusting. Almost as disgusting

Yeah how about you go over to the corner with your righteous indignation and take a few deep breaths, child.

I don’t owe your side my vote. I don’t owe the Republicans my vote.

If you wanted me to vote Democrat you should have given me a democrat that isn’t a war hawk, pro-wall st., pro crony-capitalism, corrupt as

That is a little disappointing, but if Jill Stein came out and said she wanted to annex Texas, put a 3 dollar tax on all gas pumps, and commanded all men to wear only thong underwear I’d still vote for her before those other two human disasters.

Japanese culture is changing.

People like to celebrate how Japan is getting away from its stuffy old, patriarchal traditions and becoming more Western.

But you’re also going to lose that amazing politeness.

The mods make Torchlight II even better.

Plus, it’s a great ‘fire up anytime’ game because it does so well keeping your quests easy to find. You can load it up, grind a level or two, and not play again until you have another free 20 minutes.

Plus, you can have a llama fight beside you. Or is it an alpaca? Either way:

What a hero.

Exactly the level of hero that the millenial generation produces.

Dammit, I totally forgot! Instead of GTA 5 I’d take the full Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (yes, I like it more than 3, just barely)

That’s a great list.

1) Chrono Trigger

Hmmm, the waters, the crime, the corruption, the painting over the bad parts of town, the rampant greed, the drug problems. . .

Another rousing success story like Sochi.

I know people overuse dumpster fire, but look at this presidential election, these Olympics, the state of the Middle East and Southern Europe. Countries all over the world electing their own Trump-esque strongmen. The state of pop music. The need for all media to shit on things like Pokemon Go because all media has

. . .

Why can they not make Wonder Woman look decently attractive?
The facial models on some of the other women look fine, but even in the first game she was straight up fugly (and with a weird rack to boot).

The Mortal Kombat women look fine. Why does she keep getting beat with the ugly stick?

Alien abductions?

What show did you watch?

Everyone on my feed, including me, is a buzz with it. People who haven’t seen it are asking how they can watch it, etc. Been on many websites besides Kotaku.

I dunno man. Maybe get some friends?

I know, just ask all those people who express an opinion and the Kotaku readership contacts their boss to try and get them fired. Good thing this stuff only happens in Korea!

YOu think shrek is better than Spirited Away?




Keep thinking.

You’re doing great at it.

That thinking thing

Save it for tonight.

They always really were, they just thought they were progressive because they never had to deal with poor people and The Man was their CPA parent.