
Semi-Charmed Kind of Life is pretty sucky, but their other songs are actually interesting, lyrically, if you can get into the pop lite aspect.

I still love the remix of Losing a Whole Year. Great breakup song. And acoustic versions of Jumper (ala Yes Man) are pretty great, too.

I met this guys once, way way back in 1999. Probably nice guys, they seemed pretty drunk or stoned.

This is funny, though.

There are maybe two or three non-country acts that would actually play a Republican event or give them permission to use their music. But since the RNC keeps using ‘Born in the USA’ without the

I’m still going to go with Great White Shark or just drowning in general.

Well, I mean I would agree with you but it’s not the older generations that are trying to segregate college campuses and gay pride parades. That’s all on us.

You mean the people who were rushing off to drive-ins in the back of trunks, drag racing at the edge of town, then rolling around in the mud at music festivals while listening to super-high musicians butcher their top hits? Or later, in the 80s when the entire 80s happened?

Yeah, they don’t have much room to talk

No, it’s demeaning BLM, can’t you read Gawker?

All these white people on foot aren’t in their cars to get stopped on the freeway now.

Republican foot soldiers going off script and acting like tin pot dictators at the slightest taste of authority? No, say it ain’t so. . .

But-but-but Quiet is overtly sexist according to Kotaku.

huh, it’s almost like it wasn’t that big of a deal having that stupid cheesecake in an otherwise good game and now people are having fun with it. Almost like the community can survive the type of sexism that drives certain websites to virtual tears.

Good on this

I caught that, too!

Er, you’re bagging on the soundtrack?

What show were you watching?

Pitch-perfect 80s synth tension music and a collection of awesome period piece songs. Sorry there wasn’t more Justin Beiber. . .

I agree. As I believe in equality, if she was a man a good beating would suffice for me. So I’ll say that she probably needs her nose broken and two black eyes.

She’s scheduled to speak at the UN soon about toxic masculinity on the internet.

But doesn’t this also show you how overwhelmingly people are on your side?

And my own fat-ass at the gym. 99.9999% of humanity doesn’t look like this chick and takes it more than a little personal when she starts mocking.

You’re not alone. Pretty much everyone just wants to be left alone and at peace at the gym,

Mine too, and I’m a guy.

The shallow, pretty, popular girl who will gleefully emotionally scar you for life is much, much scarier than any physical male bully.

I hope that all the stress from this causes her to eat non-stop, binging on McD’s and she gains 50 pounds, breaks out in acne everywhere, and develops a prounced mustache.

Meanwhile, the woman in the photo gets a new modeling contract, just the way she is, for JC Penny or something and this blonde bitch has to see her

Yes, I too am constantly swimming at lake houses and private beaches and island resorts and the biggest headache of all is not knowing which of my premium, cotton-blend towels is mine. Well, that, and trying not to make eye contact with the starving locals that are clutching at the chain link fence and licking their

Yeah, but you can’t just steal someone else’s speech for that international audience. A few people might notice. This isn’t the Indian Debate Final.

No money for Segways and hoverboards? Shame.

The mayor of London decides to protect the poor widdle women because he has daughters.

This guy protects the poor, victimized college coeds because he has daughters.

How noble. How utterly patronizing.

He should do his job as AD because that’s your job to make sure your program is clean and is treating every person

Chances are even that that kid could throw better than the actual Tebow. So I’d actually call that a win. Just put him on stage and have him throw a spiral more than 10 feet and you’ve convinced me.