
Don’t they just need to check the local lock up or drunk tank?

So ‘toxicity’ is the new ‘problematic’? Gotcha.

Because these people have lost their hands and cannot operate a search engine to find Roms?

60 dollars to play free ROMs on a device that must have a TV to work. Sounds good.

Someone go tell your grandparents that they can buy this plus 50 different public domain movies all now conveniently transferred to Beta Max!

Humans love porn. It’s helping bring freedom to China. If we could only get the Middle East more into porn they would soon stop blowing themselves up and just starting blowing.

That art cost them that much? You’re kidding.

Jeez do people not know that Deviant art exists? Go find any one of a thousand South American anime artists there and pay him/her 19K and I promise you’ll get some better art than that.

I mean did you actually read anything besides the click-baity headline. It’s talking about the hormonal changes that happen to different women, at very different times (since they’re not all synced) plays havoc with a control group.

Oh, wait it’s you. Mr. CUltural appropriation whiny pants.

Nevermind. We both know you

Good thing you know what the large female audience really wants. Go start a kickstarter and become a millionaire please.

Have you noticed that with the exception of the Kardashian game not a single one of those was specifically created, ala Ghostbusters, to be a female thing or female empowerment thing?

They were all just well done games that appeal to people. Not men, not women, but people.

You’re really going to site Brianna Wu as a positive in this article?

Oh, the game designer so inept she cannot port a mobile game to PC in under 5 years? Yes, that’s a real symbolic victory for competent women everywhere.

All the happy little circle jerks of ‘wow we’re all ladies’ that Wu and Sarkeesian and Quinn

But to be fair ‘pretty mountains and near the sea’ describes basically all of Korea.

Except for Busan.

Drops noreabang mike and walks away.

Sockcho is a pretty place.

This is hilarious and a strange, missed opportunity on Nintendo’s part. What, they didn’t want 40 million new users for their game so they left Korea out of the loop for now?

What are these Knicks? A soccer team? Water polo?

Never really heard of them.

This is some kind of ploy by those Valor POS so we let our guards down.


. . . yeah, no shit.

A game that requires lots of outdoor movement in various terrain is difficult for disabled people to enjoy.

A lot like cross-country skying, genius.

Every time I see one of these articles I just remember ‘Oh, won’t someone PLEASE think of the children?’

12 years old?

Good to know his sister is as delusional and arrogant as he is.

Plus 5000. That is perfect.

The game disc has little legs that fold out into a foppy drive.

That was Ghostbusters 3.

This new thing is like Terminator Genysis (or however the fuck you spell that). In five years, it will be forgotten.