
He’s not smart, or articulate,

Shocking.  Company in a capitalist economy does what is best for it’s shareholders.  News at 10.  In other news, the sky is blue.

So none id the hardcore socialists here think its bad that 3M gave into capitalism and sold the masks to the highest bidder, rather than think about its own Country.

Sooooo, unbridled, unrestrained, unregulated capitalism is good unless it makes Trump look bad?

Our New Robot Overlords approve of our Kinja Deal Of The Day

You can’t think of a single reason why someone might get the wrong idea about countries that oppose the US when they’re watching their rapist be a beloved vice president? Her writings about Russia are dumb but you’re also arguing that she can’t be a rape victim because she had unamerican thoughts.

Remember how much of the left/center-left treated Monica Lewinsky in the late 90's? And how everyone rallied to defend the creep who was absolutely in the wrong just because he was also the victim of right-wing smears?

I agree that this needs to be heard, but I'm terrified that if Biden is our nominee, people will just decide not to vote or vote third party, and we're handing the presidency (again) to Trump on a platter. 

I dunno. It seems newsworthy when a woman, on the record, under her own name, comes out and publicly makes an accusation of sexual assault agains the presumptive Democratic nominee, and it seems possible to responsibly present those accusations with all of the relevant caveats if the original source didn’t take

It seems to me that the Katie Halper interview is simply the logical conclusion for a case like Reade’s nowadays. You have massive organizational infrastructure in the form of Times Up get established that is now unwilling to offer assistance (I think possibly out of an overabundance of caution rather than some shady

Biden should drop out. He’s been credibly accused of rape and that’ll get wall-to-wall coverage on CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews every day between the convention and the general election. Combine that with the lack of enthusiasm and he’s guaranteed to lose to Trump. 7 other accusers of inappropriate behavior. Ignore this at

So, just like, no coverage of the Reade allegation anywhere on this supposedly feminist site?

Cognitive dissonance?

Are we not going to cover allegations that he digitally penetrated a woman?  If so, why not?

Imagine what the media response would have been if it was Sanders accused of the very same thing.

Why? A little rape never hurt anybody.

So y'all gonna talk about the credible sexual assault allegation or nah?

joe biden raped tara reade in 1993

I’m not a corporate media conspiracy person, but it is wild that the biggest non-right-wing outlet reporting the sexual assault accusation about Biden is Vox. If the accusation was made against a politician in any other context other than the fact they are running against Trump, NBC, CNN, ABC would at least be running

That's the same Anita Dunn who was also a Harvy Weinstein adviser. Huh.