
I’m thinking we should cancel this post, instead. 

Artists and crafters dont pay IO9 to promote us so its unlikely. Most content here is either paid for by subject of the article(I.E. Disney fluff pieces) or writen as a sort of confirmation bias for whats become IO9s core viewership.

All this Russia shit is just McCarthyism 2.0.

Then Biden should drop out.  The media is not Biden’s PR team.  The accusation is out now.  Sorry if it’s not convenient timing for you.

I’m saving mine for if Biden loses, and the Democratic establishment that (1) dismissed concerns about Biden’s inappropriate conduct towards women, (2) lined up against Elizabeth Warren when she surged, (3) lined up against Bernie Sanders when he surged, (4) seemed fully willing to embrace Michael Fucking Bloomberg

This is why people don’t come forward. You talk about being raped, and somebody’s going to be like “Well, one time she left a yelp review that seemed, frankly, rude. I bet she’s just a lying slut.”

Oh, oops, my bad again. Only women who have never lied and who only lived good lives can have their accusations believed. You sure got me!

“I do not discount Christine Blasey Ford’s story, but the timing is interesting. Brett Kavanaugh has been in the public eye for decades. Now that he’s about to be a Supreme Court Judge, this is coming out. Hmmm”

She’s got receipts and it still won’t be enough.

The candidates have zero power to do anything.

It’s unfortunate for the Democrats that elections require them to get more votes than their opponents, because people like to blame voters for not showing up instead of blaming the candidates for not bringing them out.

Wonder how the corona virus is affecting all the locked up black bodies in the California prison system? But never mind, it’s bad manners to link Kamala Harris to some of those black bodies.

It is a great excuse to blame the GOP. In 8 years they moved the piece a little, but there is a long list of failures or cave-ins to the GOP. WHERE is the honesty in the article or the list in the comment? Obama said he acted like a moderate Republican on (of course) fiscal issues. Both parties are owned by

Also, similar to a bus, you will probably get groped but just do your best to move on.


I just read the National Review article you claimed supported Trump’s stupid suggestion of cutting funding to WHO. The National Review article did not say that. It said the US should use its leverage over WHO to pressure it to be harsher on China. I am not saying that’s a good idea. I am a liberal and believe

I was under the impression that Karen was a bit more economic, about a woman whose husband supports her lower-middle-class lifestyle and thinks having two nickles to rub together makes her better than people working for a living. The main difference between a white Karen and a black Karen is that only the latter adds

(I know I know vote blue no matter who but he is old school in a bad way).

Biden won’t make it to the convention anyway. He is about to drop out due to the overwhelming barrage of questions about the rape allegation against him.