
Hey, anybody left working here from when you used to write articles about what a shitshow Amazon was instead of whoring yourselves out to them? Articles that would get hundreds of comments and actual engagement? Well thank god or what ever, you don’t have to monitor threads like that anymore.

Hey, anybody left working here from when you used to write articles about what a shitshow Amazon was instead of

Yesterday reddit had a video of a cop beating the crap out of his wife, I came to Jez to see their coverage,still waiting. This site has really changed.

The joke is it’s not even real liberals,its rich people moving into forest areas and then blocking the controlled burns because they don’t like the smoke and the smell.

He’s the perfect character shorthand, the minute the helmet comes off we know so much about  him with out any wasted time on his backstory. They can get right into the story. When he stands and puts his hand on his hip we know the threat is real.

Come on man, don’t forget that as AG she argued for keeping people in jail past their sentence to keep the prison plantation running, she could nail down the pro-slaver voters.

I guess nobody want’s a link to the audio of her discussing who she’s going to install as the president of Ukraine after she helps over throw the democratically elected president? You know the one where she says she needs to make a quirk decision so that she can get Joe to shill him to the public. You know the audio

Two things, since this arc started off with the Jedi being sent off and order 66 coming, just maybe a Kanan cameo? The Mandaloren takes place after what is referred to as the Purge, could the preceved death of a certain apprentice lead a new dark lord  coming to seek vengeance on them?

Biden’s core supporters are Republicans who hate trump and Republicans cosplaying an Democrats. Good luck winning with that small slice of eligible voters.

This site was never perfect but to the extent that it has become an echo chamber for hacks and partisans is sad.

Would you like to watch a video of Biden standing on a stage a saying that even if someone had more delegates then him he would stay in to the convention anyway? Of course not.

#1 there was a time when ever an amazon story like this was posted you would create a link for emplees’ to post their real time stories anonymously. #2

Scrolling down the comments yours is the first that mentions metoo refusing to represent her and not surprising is that your still in the greys. Also the people replying seem to have missed all the connections to the Biden campaign and the fact that the day after they turned her down they began reseiving regular

When I saw this, I wondered what party was running him for President? These are the same people who clutch their pearls everytime Dumf calls them fake news.

Nice choice of picture, it’s like you’re saying there is a Domino affect to this.

You aren’t kidding about that double standard. I can guarantee that if a man described women as sluts,gold diggers and home wreckers, who had possible been raped or molested by a family member or spouse no one on this site would be singing their praises. Not mention her other associations with other rapists and pedos.

If this takes place in the same timeline as Discovery then could this all be connected to the AI in that series. Could there be an agreement between Sec 31 and the Talshiar to do what ever is nessesery to stop anything that has the possibility of it’s return? If there were Vulcans involved in the Discovery insident

Bloomberg brags about apposing coal,no one questions the fact that he is heavily invested in the fracking industry and that slowing down the use of coal has made him millions.

I love how these people talk about Trump threatening the press, do you think any of them remember Obama spending a few month talking about how he wanted a law requiering reporters to be licenced and if you didn’t have it you wouldn’t have any press protections.

NO, but I’m all for taking a flame thrower to both parties and getting back to being able to vote for people who want to represent the rest of us.

I’ve read a lot and seen videos of people complaining about the direction the wokeness of the show was going and just chalked it up to people having problems adjusting. In the first fifteen minutes of the show a comment is made about the Doctor being a man and her reply is that “she got an upgrade”. WTF, how is this