
I think the first one would’ve been better with literally anybody but Portman as Jane Foster, but I enjoyed Branagh’s [expected, because Branagh] Shakespearean-psychodrama take and thought it totally suited the material (age-of-heroes king, fuckup heir with redemption arc, angsty wood-be heir, quippy pals ... it’s

So, Trump, then?

There is value in reminding Joe that he needs to keep certain progressive priorities in mind and in his campaign pitches if he wants the votes to beat Trump. That’s not me suggesting it’s cool not to vote. That’s me predicting the weather. It will happen.

Don’t worry... the people who want to watch it are the same morons hoarding toilet paper, coughing without covering their mouths, and buying twenty boxes of pasta.

See, I think when it comes to people who seek vast amounts of power, we should be treating all of them with the utmost suspicion. 

Honestly, I don’t think the problem is that we’re too hard on female politicians; we’re just not hard enough on male politicians.

“Biden/Harris: marijuana convictions for all!”

I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion here. But, I think it must be said. First off, the party nominated a woman in 2016. Albeit, a terrible candidate, but, nonetheless, she was the nominee. Fast-forward to 2020, Elizabeth Warren comes in 3rd place so we must scream sexism. Honestly, I don’t think she was

Warren is running out of cash and support. She’s tied with or behind Sanders in her own state. If the roles were reversed you would absolutely be calling for Bernie to drop out. Playing the “woman card” to justify her need for Super PAC money now is also desperate, transparent, and hurts feminism. Warren was great in

I’m just here to post “boy, too bad there’s not a politics blog anymore.” and “see, who needs Splinter? There’s nothing to report!”

Lmfao, Obama played well with others and look what we got....

You underestimate the number of earnest liberals who have attached their ships to this anchor of a family. Despite the Epstein stuff, despite the sexual assault stuff, despite the Libya and Haiti and Iraq stuff, despite the TERF stuff, despite the racism, despite the welfare “reform” stuff, all that, there are a few

And lest we forget how she treated Bill’s accusers.

There are many things to criticize Hillary Clinton on. Both on economic terms for her neoliberal policies, on humanitarian terms for her warmongering foreign policy, but also on social justice terms based on her history with racism, like the “super-predator” narrative in the 90s, or the awful campaign she waged

Bernie is neck and neck for my last choice as the nominee (up with Tulsi Gabbards), but I think Warren is doing him enormous favors with this. It was her campaign that made this closed-door conversation an issue and lobbed the accusations, and she doesn’t even seem to understand she’s getting the worst of it and

Unintentionally? Is that what the city told you?

G/O Media’s IT group, hard at work:

Worst tech of 2019: Every Kinja update/”improvement”