
Exactly. You could discern the three timelines if you were paying attention. There were enough clues and I appreciate a show that doesn’t treat the audience like idiots.

My first thought when I heard the jingling of the boots was Cad Bane.  But I know it’s highly unlikely...

They can review this thing warm...

It’s been a while since I watched it, but I think the Great Purge was mentioned and expanded upon in Rebels. IIRC, a weapon Sabine created actually helped it, something to do with superheating Beskar specifically to kill people wearing the armor, while leaving the armor intact so it can be stripped and melted down,

Russiagate is BS. Syria is a sovereign nation that we invaded. Why do so many people suddenly trust the military industrial complex?

ABC News?

They are shutting down grids. So anything on the grids they are shutting down will lose power unless they have a generator. PG&E has been paying shareholder dividends instead of upgrading their infrastructure and putting the lines in rual, heavily wooded areas underground. PG&E then passes along the fines for causing

Calling this blog a “news outlet” is being extremely generous.

Yet, none of the other neighbors managed to shoot the rightful owners of their mixed-up apartments. Cops aren’t necessarily bad, but Amber Guyger isn't one of the "good apples."

That Nightwing costume looks soooooo much better than the drawings that popped up of it last year.

Your saying you don’t understand this not tanking him on an article about a Presidential candidate who’s coming out interview involved her joking about smoking pot with her 1% friends while she was locking up thousands of people for doing the same thing and lying about the music she listened to in collage. These days

What do you expect from someone who supports keeping people in prison so they can be used as slave labor? Harris is at best a Republican and at worst just a terrible person.

The Batwoman trailers have all talked about her becoming her own person, doing things her way.... and then show her usurping someone else’s created resources and established identity. Gotta love people “living their own truth” these days.

You only know, until you say it to the wrong person. Then it’s a smear campaign to ruin your life. Some people aren’t reasonable - on both sides of the sexual divide. 

Lighten up Francis.

A lot of fans would have preferred that, to be honest.

What bothers me most is that this is the very first Star Wars land in history. And it’s filled with.....First Order Stormtroopers, Kylo Ren, and Rey.

Kamala Harris has always been a Cop. She has shown herself to be opportunistic, a flat our liar, and laughs about marijuana her personal marijuana use after ramping up the laws to punish people for using marijuana in California before legalization.

I know it’s a Catch 22, but you’re never going to get significant authentic Latin@ representation in games (other than the stereotypes like Scarface) without Latin@ creators presenting them. Like Papa & Yo as a rare example. Or Savior if that ever comes out.

A rare moment when powerful people on both sides of the aisle could agree on something: killing Jeffrey Epstein.