
Arbitration clauses, and out of court settlements = the scourge of US laws.

after decades of gains, helping the week against predatory and abusive measures by the strong, the arbitration rule reversed all the gains.
The companies can do wrong, you had no choice but to sign the contract, (yes I know, you have choice,

You can’t honestly be surprised that a party is supporting incumbents

Yes, yes. Too bad they didn’t use their Congressional Supermajority in 2009/10 to actually pass single payer and instead created a massive giveaway to the private insurance industry.

I’ve watched the video above and one on another news site and cannot make anything she said out as that. Give me timestamps or this has gotta be some next-level trolling to discredit this girl and justify her attack.

The police force is much less about keeping us safe and much more about generating revenue. Memorial day weekend is a big moneymaker for these cops.

My guess is Univision issued a sweeping memo telling writers they couldn’t ban dissenting opinions after the whole Facebook censoring fiasco. They don’t exactly have the money to afford that kind of bad publicity.

TIL that identifying law breakers while they are in custody is being a Nazi.

There would be no “illegal” immigration if the overwhelmingly republican owners of businesses paid a decent wage for arduous and often dangerous jobs. These employers want a scared and compliant labor force.

Awesome show. It’s currently on the third season.

I I think the most notable thing here is not that this guy is covered in excessive pouches but that Liefeld actually managed to draw a pair of reasonable sized feet.


So how much is Microsoft paying to promote IE12.

It doesn’t mater as long as you don’t put fucking lettuce on it. If you put lettuce on a hotdog it’s not a hotdog but a cry for help.

Thank goodness for AdBlocker for YouTube.

I am a lightsaber on the wind...

At the end of the episode, as Ezra left the transport they were on to go look at the aftermath with Hera, it seems as though there was some sort of a marking or painting on the ground where the temple used to be. They didn’t show it in detail so I’m not 100% certain. That doesn’t mean the temple’s accessible or


“an enforcement agency with little oversight”?

I know right? Kicking a criminal out of your country is the EXACT same thing as murdering millions of people for the crime of existing!!!!! We need a new Nuremburg trial now!!!

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.

Disclosure - I got a DUI in 2012. No excuses; I should have let my car get towed (which would have been a FUCKLOAD cheaper and easier to deal with), it was a stupid fucking thing to do and I’m fortunate I didn’t hurt anyone or anything.