
I am more willing to forgive Superman’s neck snapping than Batman shooting thugs with machine guns.
THAT was awful

Let’s not forget how many women were complicit and ARE complicit in this bullshit. Yvette Vega, who many of Charlie Rose’s victims went to is now all “Mea Culpa!” Fuck you Yvette, you’ve been enabling this shit to keep it off your own thigh since 1991. You’ve betrayed and been complicit for most of my lifetime you

I’m going to add Future Man on Hulu. The first episode/pilot doesn’t do the rest of the show justice. Give it a few episodes. It gets really really good. Derek Wilson’s character Wolf goes from being kind of annoying and predictable in Ep. 1 to being my new favorite character on TV right now. So funny.

I also second

Rose allegedly groomed and harassed young women at the workplace over many years, if not decades. It was so well known internally, that women warned each other when working for Rose. Are you going to tell me, that his close friend and coworker for years had never even heard about those rumors before? If she had heard

If you have uBlock Origin, you can right click on them and hit “Block Element.” That should get rid of them.

Is there any way to get rid of the “Recent Video from Gizmodo” that just sits in the middle of the article? If someone opens the article and just wants to see the video, the first video to click on is that, not the actual video that the article is about. Having to scroll past a completely unrelated video to watch the

Chance was amazing last night. His hockey reporter bit was hysterical.

It broke 3 of the 4 add-ons I use.

Well, the good thing about The Orville is that there isn’t *really* and overarching plot line where it would make it awful to skip one. I can think of about 3-4 episodes already where the order they were shown in didn’t really matter story-wise.

Moral crimes don’t exist Jack. Just crimes. Those are based on mutually agreed upon laws by the citizens and representatives of a sovereign nation. We’ve decided via choice or apathy that we don’t want illegal immigrants in the country. Your moral outrage is irrelevant. Almost nobody wants an open borders policy.

Supposedly, PREPA is known to be corrupt as all heck, but yeah. I’d love to see the executives there on the line for paying whitefish, and FEMA/PR government/Feds saying heck no, they’re not paying, they didn’t sign anything.

Couldn’t agree more about Filoni. In my humble opinion, he’s presided over some of the best Star Wars stories ever told. The medium doesn’t matter - the quality of the storytelling - and the storyteller - does.

I think the argument is that the police as they are currently, are part of the reason people are getting “murdered or screwed,” so giving them a $95 million academy while the entire city is having money issues makes no sense. Closing schools and skimping on education/training so that police officers get a pool is a

I could have sworn we heard Mallus voice in this weeks episode of Legends last night. I even thought the voice sounded familiar which makes sense if it was indeed John Noble.

Larry Krasner, a civil rights attorney who made his career suing law enforcement, often on pro bono cases against poor clients, was just elected District Attorney for Philadelphia. He had never been a prosecutor and was considered unelectable. Every progressive paper endorsed his other democratic opponent, a woman

Is there a point where this organization is officially declared a criminal enterprise?

She was more than a terrible campaigner, she was a terrible candidate. She’s good at making underhanded back room deals with bankers to undermine the democratic process, but that doesn’t make her a good leader. Donald Trump’s is no better though, they are both criminals.

TL;DR version;

Let me clarify something. Yes, I don’t like Clinton. But I’m not... loathsome of her, like I am Republicans. More than anything else, I just want her to go away. Fade into the background. No more books. No more PACs. No more interviews about “what went wrong?” More than anything, I just don’t want to hear the name

I still say Sabine and Ezra are going to end up being Rey’s Parents