
I think THIS is the problem. The “Sexytime” thing isn’t so egregious. A show I worked on called sex scenes that and we had no complaints. But this woman DID. And the AD easily could have just apologized, stated he had no ill intentions, and corrected it. No settlement needed! I apologize to people all the time in my

All these questions about Reign’s history, powers, and motivations... Maybe watch the show for answers?

When being polite to one person means being an asshole and inconveniencing another (usually more)... it’s not really being polite.

The polite thing drives me bonkers. Not only does it cause slow downs but it causes accidents. If you have the right away, you go. If you have a sign (or lack of sign) telling you to do something, do it. There’s an entrance at a shopping center near me where it’s a 3 way intersection. Cars coming off a major strip

He doesn’t look like Shazam in the least. Shazam should be played by Ian McKellan or someone like that. Christopher Lee would have been perfect. Definitely Shazam needs an actor who can do the ancient Wizard thing convincingly. This Levi kid isn’t that, but he would make a great Billy Batson.

I miss Agent Carter so much. Still the best thing Marvel TV has done.


It means she wears suspenders. How do you think she keeps her top up? The suspenders are invisible, because they’re made of the same material as her plane.

Did you complain about when it happened? Did this writer? If not, then don’t complain about this. I agree with you that prior bad acts don’t condone current bad acts but don’t act like this is something new that has never happened before and feign outrage. If you or the writer complained about the example I provided,

Really? The original Jimmy Olsen?

I think this might be foreshadowing the Mirror Universe episode

1. You needed to learn enough Spanish to shut that shit down either in Spanish, or by at least addressing what they said when responding to them in English. Even if it turns out they weren’t talking about you, a “that’s still not appropriate in my classroom” ought to do it with most kids.

Alternatively, stop complaining about spoilers, because science shows knowing spoilers IMPROVES how people enjoy the work.

Don’t be so cynical! It’s not like they’ll appoint the people directly responsible to Secretary of Treasury or something.

When in the real world if and when we get a new movie/show with GL in it, it will be Hal Jordan probably and not John Stewart like it should be....it might be amusing to see Guy Gardner in the next JL movie being a typical jerk. (Not the GL we need but the GL we deserve?) lol.

[[Mandatory mention that a photo gallery is better than a video. ]]

As soon as I found out about this insanity, I took steps to rectify it immediately.

At least they admit it instead of insist they invented it.

I live in CT and am friends with people in Homeland Security, including top level people who toured the scene the day of the attack. My firm is very involved in state level legislative process. The behind-the-scenes of it is sickening.