
Especially since they new about this hack months ago as well.

Excuse me but you can not say NO to a rich person, that’s not how life works. But you poor souls wouldn’t know that.

Can anyone explain why comic book fans are having so much trouble wrapping their heads around the Elseworlds concept being brought into the movies?

Legends of Tomorrow has never been too shy to make a TV reference, so given those pics, I think the perfect joke is right there for them! He could get mind wiped again and turn into a Roman. It would be very distracting.

Oh yeah the accounting department would fucking love a line item that reads Monero (Digital Currency).

Only if the participants give consent, of course. Otherwise it’s not likely to be a viable business plan.

I’m guessing everyone in media is considering it at this point. The problem is turning over 30% of your revenue to the host when you can look into something in house.

Now playing

You get Thunderbolt Fantasy, or Legend of the Sacred Stone, or Wayun something something name I cannot remember to save my life, and maybe even Strings, though it might not quite fit.

Now playing

I’m afraid I’m going to have to deduct a few points for failing to include Magnum, P.I.

Right, but that’s why putting a date on when they asked would help. If the article said, we put in a request two weeks ago and haven’t received a comment, I’m going to chalk that up to the company not answering. If they say, we put in a request this morning and haven’t received a comment, I’m chalking that up to

Oh, damn. That’s hilarious. I didn’t detect the sarcasm at first, so when I scrolled down to the picture it was extra-funny.

“Even though I felt zero desire for him, it ultimately seemed less taxing to get drunk and let him have his way with me later that night.

Hey now. I live in the Lehigh Valley just outside Allentown and I have all my teeth. Then again, I’m originally from Jersey...

It’s so incongruous seeing the actors in full costume using smart phones. Although Gwendolyn Christie and Liam Cunningham are adorable together.

Clone Wars leaves Netflix September 7th. May the force be with you.

You won’t regret it!

yes we have.

Consider the cashier who is filmed every moment he is on the clock at work; he has a security camera pointed at him (and the register) at all times because money is important to his employer, and if he EVER tampered with said security camera, his ass would be fired.

Now consider the enforcer who is given weapons and