
Only the women are kept in binders.

Isn’t it strange that once they get a new director, a few months later they lose that director? Hmm...

Jar Jar Binks wakes up in his bedroom, turns to Suzanne Pleshette and says, “You-sa wont be believin’ the crazy dream meesa just had!”

I kind of feel like he rambles in order to postpone answering questions that he doesn’t know the answer to in the hopes that the chat will do the work for him.

You should interview The Podfather - Adam Curry.

I hope they don’t kill Killjoys I loved that show, good pulpy fun. (Never really clicked with Dark Matter but I’ve heard it’s good, I need to push through as my cousin is in an episode.)

Entirely different war.

Read an article today about here in AL where we have Sessions seat to fill and how messed up it is. Our Luv Guv filled the seat with our now former AG whose office was investigating the Guv’s Luv, then the Guv planned to postpone election until next cycle. Now the Guv pled guilty and resigned, his succesor promptly

The fact that it was even going to be close, that Donald Trump was going to win even a single state, says quite a lot about who we are as a country.

Barry v Barry: Dawn of Barry”...

On a somewhat related side-note, I’m really glad to see more recaps of shows lately. It seems like for a while there, all we were getting were the Walking Dead ones, and sometimes Gotham or something. But there’s been, I think, an uptick in the variety of shows (not that Flash recaps are super brand new, but still).

But did they use a Juicero?

Poor Pete. Gone and forgotten. :(


Sloth was actually defeated by Alexander Armstrong, Sig and Izumi Curtis...Gluttony was killed by Pride

Had the same thought. That gives the whole thing a much wider scope - that the GR is not a recent fad, but someone playing the long game.

Can’t help for finding, but I live by “a place for everything and everything in its place.”

Pepsi: “ We are the worst PR Ever”
United: “nope its us”
Burger King: “Hold My Beer”

Sean Spicer: “Can I Help ????”

“Online Blogs’s Dystopian New Infinitely Scrolling Pages Campaign Is Already a Comment Section Passing Disaster”

They literally used some images from Jack Kirby’s comics as backgrounds in the Grandmaster’s penthouse there: