
Coded? Yes. Unclear? He confirmed their meaning himself. Fuck off, concern troll.

I cite Uncanny X-Men because it was Marvel’s biggest seller of the early 1980s, and part of the reason for its popularity was crossover appeal. It was very popular with women and minorities, and it was also popular with people who hadn’t read a lot of comics. (It was basically the Sandman of its day.) It was largely

I am hoping the following but heavily doubt it due to the balls they would need to do this with only the 2nd season

Our know what else is a reasonable discussion to be had? Prosecuting all the American who violated the law and hired these illegal immigrants. We are essentially focusing on one aspect of this “perceived” problem. It’s like stopping the use of drugs by arresting the drug users not the dealers who provide the product.

Post it online? No. That’s fake news.

There should be an organized effort to purchase the data of members of the house who voted for this and post it online. They’ll change that shit fast.

I’ve never understood this argument. A guy at work said this to me last year. He liked to play games and have dubbed anime on at the same time. To me that’s like watching a movie with your eyes closed. It obviously works for you, but I can’t really get into it like that. Also, the voice acting is (usually) better with

So that was... grey. I mean, I know these aren’t actually comic books, but you do know these things are in color now right?

Do you know how bad your film has to look for me to be ‘meh’ about Parademons?! I await the Red Skies to come and cleanse this mess from the face of Earth Prime.

You’re personal fantasies made you guys hate the show we get it.

Whoever decided that Barrowman, JLM, and Victor Garber should all partake in the same musical number, I love you.

Looks more and more like they rescued this movie in post-

You have FAILED my Workshop!

Man the gritty reboot of the Elf on a Shelf looks great

Sounds like

I’m truly shocked at the lack of comparisons between Trump and Beeblebrox, but maybe I’ve just missed them.

“Leftover biscuits”

Really MLB? You couldn’t think of a more appropriate show to link yourselves to?