
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, is the only one that should be cast to play Dick Grayson.

Except it sounds like they’ve had an okay relationship otherwise.

Grant Ward. Because Grant Ward NEVER dies in this show.

1 is no good of a number. Go for 2! : )

Yup - if this hack could somehow deliver an electric shock to the asshole that took the last cup and didn’t start another pot, then you’d have something.

I don’t know about charming, but he played a fairly likable character in Misfits. Very adorkable.

The package friendly front porch/door of the future will surely operate like this.

One truck with one drone does seem pretty pointless.

If they were really authentic, it’d just be an empty display box with a card promising to mail you the figures as soon as they become available.

Just sayin’.

I assume there’s an option in the app to automatically register you as ‘John Smith’

Huh. Cool. Now we know.

Really? Three months out from release? For a huge event movie like Star Wars? Sorry man, the spoilers are on you at this point.

Next level unlocked.

I blame the Democrats for nominating the least electable major party nominee in history.

Iraq has WMD. Let’s go war. Opps didn’t find any. Russia has hacked the election. Blame trump. But if you are saying Russia could hack the elections why aren’t more people crying the homeland. And FBI CIA and the trillions spent on security were hacked and nobody seems to care

The US no likey Assange because reasons. UK and US are best buds.

The racist uprising is all Trumps fault. Also a bit of Obama (The Whitest acting President in our history except for when he was being hip and modern. I mean, you call yourself black and you fail to properly acknowledge or dismiss the racial tensions. Instead you go all politician and make non-statements and tow the

Can we assume every one of their mothers is named Martha, I’d be much more inclined to see a Marthaverse movie at this point.