
Not competent to stand trial but purchasing an AK-47 and a pile of other guns - A-OK!

A better question may be how those core values translate in the work environment. My company has a defined set of values our director could recite blindfolded but that doesn’t mean she actually follows them.

Here in the nation’s heartland, I hear a constant drum beat of ‘these so-called moderate Muslims ought to stand up to the radicals or they are part of the problem.’

But that would cut down on their profits!

The list of what is wrong with people actually IS the site.

It all depends though. Your answer isn’t a one size fits all. Some employees do need a lot of direction, and things like “Do this task, then this, then this. Don’t forget to talk with the quality department and see if they have any reservations about moving forward. If they do, have a small meeting with X, Y, and Z to

“If the ref didn’t want to be assaulted, he shouldn’t have been in that situation. Or dressed that way.”

Most situations I have seen with management is that the shit rolls downhill, everyone wants the authority but no one wants the responsibility.

You're assuming that, since you're reasonable, everyone else is reasonable as well. The world just doesn't work like that, though. . .

Maybe the Honda was tailgating earlier and that was the Saturn "teaching her a lesson". People love break-check highway justice in America.

Sorry, but I don't believe in fighting bigotry with bigotry.

Why did Kanye let her finish?

I wonder what would happen if Michelle Rodriguez and Sean Bean ever co-starred in a movie together. How would it get to Act 2?

What a stupid article. You talk about not flagrantly breaking as opposed to what, sheepishly breaking the law? You qualify your behavior by explaining that you were traveling almost 40 miles over the speed limit on a country road as if this makes it a reasonable thing to do. You talk incredulously about being sent

So, for those keeping track at home: Hobby Lobby cares deeply about protecting the unborn when it comes to denying women contraception coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Hobby Lobby does not care deeply about protecting the unborn when it comes to ensuring that mothers are capable of providing for their new

I think I'm one of the few that liked Andromeda.

I have been hauling around stuff like this for 12 years now and it was not a wise investment (tax returns in late teens and early 20's = fun & useless shit, tax returns now = new appliances).