
No, Grudek, we're asking you what's wrong with society that a woman has no choice but to go back to her abuser. Imagine having to choose between living with an abusive asshole or potentially getting murdered if you leave him because the justice system won't protect you. This woman did leave her abuser. And her


Die, spambot, die.

If only she knew the commander in chief

Wish google would offer Download (entire Country) (Region) or WOrld

"How to Handle Someone Shooting at You With Arrows—Rule 1: Remember, they're doing you a favor!"

RULE #7 DO NOT TELL ON BULLIES. Because we're tired of dealing with your shit.

Me after reading "Stop. Hammer crime."

So....we should let people continue to break the law and not be detained or deported because they are pregnant? I'm all for proper medical care, and that's what I think you should advocate for, not releasing of detained persons due to pregnancy. Of course, I'm also against illegal immigration, which pits me against

I interpret the producer statements as: "Not only do we want you to willingly fall for our bullshit again, we want you to pay for the privilege." Ain't gonna happen. Fool me once, etc.

Oh boy, you know it. Return of the Fight Club Captain for the final stretch worked incredibly well for her, even though she was mostly the comic relief sidekick. Good job, Mako.

Best character? Best character.

I totally read this in Bane's voice, which made it even better.

The police should have realized that the beanbag is the natural ally of the college stoner.

I was wondering this, too. Assuming that these women are already licensed, shouldn't their tattoo photos already be on file? And if so, why are the cops doing anything besides confirming licenses? And quite honestly, I don't understand the rationale behind needing tattoo photos for matching women with licenses. If

Can we all stop using "nobody used to care about my victim's demographic" as an excuse? Is it illegal? Yes. Then quit your whining, you jerk. I seem to remember that a teacher at the expensive NY prep school accused of abusing his students used the same type of defense. Something along the lines of "in the 70s we

Mashiro can't believe her show didn't get chosen.

I would also recommend not working for Walmart. The smaller the company, the better they are prone to treating you. The documentary is on Netflix as an online streaming option. It's subtitled, but it provides a sense of perspective that I think someone who is unhappy could really use.