
She'd have done better with a Dodge Monaco.

Annnnd insert comment about Mail Order Bride catalog here.

A young woman dying from cancer is succumbing to disease. Dying because of your addiction is stupid.

Burt, I usually agree with you. But I posted this earlier in a different thread and feel it bears repeating here. ....
I'm clearly in the minority here, and I don't know Jared whatshisname outside of being Dean on "Gilmore Girls", and I'm sure his PR people tore him a new one. But he does have a point. Honestly, PSH

Unfortunately that ass backwards logic seems to work sometimes. Affluenza much?

You . . . don't sound like a nice person. I'm sure you'll do very well at Gawker Media.

What these guys said. My music is important to me, as are my books and films. I want to own it, not license it from a company that may cease to exist one day, and only when an Internet connection is available (other customers of Time Warner Cable will understand). A good-quality MP3 is small, reliable, and mine.

I was always under the impression that it's in the future. I haven't read the manga, but my speculation was that humans created the titans in the first place, in some stupid plan to unite the world.

Evil corporation treats regular person like shit. Regular person still professes love for evil corporation. American love story.

I had to look up "sexy," because at first I thought you meant "low standards"

Ive been a respectful, intelligent poster on huffpo for years, with hundreds of fans and a good rep. That doesnt mean I want my personal information out on the interwebz for all to see. My wife is even more adamant against this than I am. Theres absolutely no reason to require people to use real, personal

Arianna is a liar along with her staff. Back in August there was a promise that all commentators would be grandfathered in and did not need Facebook link. Yesterday to comment ALL needed a facebook link. I will not due FB and lots won't either.

Ive decided to bitch on every article relating to huffpo. They changed their posting requirements, now you have to use your real name on your posts. Even after saying you wouldnt need to use your real name. Im still royally pissed.

"When will the Pope stop his war on Christmas?"

Quote of the day!!