
When Hillary was S.of S. she asked if it was possible to have him killed or taken to a blacksite. What would any of you do if someone said this about you and then was going to be President? The continued lying that he just did what he did for no reason is scummy as hell. I consider releasing those emails a form of

Maybe I misunderstood, but in the conversation involving the group of ex-storm-troopers they stopped fighting because of the Force. With the history of the Sith kidnapping Force sensitive children it’s possible that there are more Force sensitive platoons out there that could use a little guidance, rather then leaving

could this have been a sting, they approved it knowing that the higher ups would  use  it  to fire her?

So any hints on how to get to the link for section 31's responsibilities?

Until then we deserve to get the History Channel investigation episode. It can be filled with digital recreations of the scene from different angles and the “highlight” will be animated recreations based on the memories of people who saw it during the original release.

Hey, Disney/Marvel, do you what people to have the same attitude towards your shows as we do SyFi channel,because this is how you get people thinking that your just like SyFi.

I’m proposing a new acronym, ACINO, American company in name only. If 80 to 90% of your workers are in other counties and you’re not paying taxes here and you roll over and beg when a foreign country snaps their fingers we should be under no obligation to protect you with our army or political pressure. At what point

The war on science has been going on for decades. When it became clear to people that most of the studies that the press reported on were funded by companies and organizations that had a financial interest in the outcome 0f the study they paid for. Back in the 70's there were stories featured across main stream media

Windows updating third-party drivers every Saturday morning shows that, that is a LIE.This is with updates delayed for as long as is p0ssible, with updating third-party software disabled and with auto driver search and update turned off. Also you should check windows own forums and you would see many people having

I blame his parents, if young Genghis had been kept away from video games,unrated comic books and heavy metal music he would have grown up to be a good boy.

Your saying you don’t understand this not tanking him on an article about a Presidential candidate who’s coming out interview involved her joking about smoking pot with her 1% friends while she was locking up thousands of people for doing the same thing and lying about the music she listened to in collage. These days

Now playing

I do not blame the actress for this but, in the first clip for this show she stands in another persons home, surrounded by that persons gear and demands that she deserves credit for her accomplishments. Find me one instance in Batman’s history were he demanded credit for what he dose.

The driving less thing sounds great as a TV news talking point, then you read an article in which a construction engineer points out that all the motor vehicles in the world put out less then 1% of what is produced by concrete production in the construction industry.

So, your not going to add some type of sugar, I mean yeast got to eat yo.

I got some whiplash myself this week, watched video of a Presidential candidate accusing Andy of attacking her her stance on MC for All with CNN’s advertisers talking points and him saying that he has no idea who advertisers are. Then watch a video of him strutting across the stage of the TV upfronts and calling them

Oh look its a cast photo of the next season of Discovery.

But if we don’t divide people how can we play them off each other for our benefit?

Is it weird that they end every discussion by reminding you that there is no war in Ba Sing Se?

The only thing that counts is that just like Young Justice the show was not selling toys, that’s it. It could have been the biggest flaming turd in existence, but if it sold toys it would go on forever.