
He could use every pop-culture alternative as a running gag. Frag,Frelling and you can go fork yourself.

Yes, Dump is a piece of shit but his comment specifically said they are not sending us their best.

It is lawful to step into the street and expect that traffic will yield,but that won’t stop a truck from hitting you. There’s lawful and then there’s smart.

I’ve watched the trailer for this a few times and then it hit me ,her origin story is basically a near copy paste version of the Spiderman story Kravens Last Hunt. This is a common comic book trope of the villain stealing the heros identity and then getting pissed because the hero gets the credit for their actions.

Here is a though for all the airline shills and defenders. 911, some of you might remember that. If not for a Taxpayer bail out, that went a long way towards stopping every person in the buildings and planes families suing you, most of you would be out of business. We would still have airlines but you sure wouldn’t be

Is anyone else shocked to find that there wasn’t a bipartisan bill to give these companies immunity?

Bullshit,first off the reason for the militia and not a standing army was to prevent exactly what we have now, troops being sent to protect business internist. Each state used to have to vote to on weather to send troops to war. The founders made multiple statements about the fact that any government that was run by

Wow, 2 mentions of Into The Badlands on i09 in a week, that’s almost more then the entire time it was on.

Don’t forget him testifying before the intelligence commity, telling Dianne Feinstein that not only did we need the patriot act, but that it should be expanded because his sources said we were under immanent threat from another 911 level terrorist attack within the next three to six months.

I think that people who study advertising will use this as an example of one of the largest and most effective con jobs of all time. I’m saying that as one of the people who fell for it. I remember when the wifi thing happened every tech blog and podcast couldn’t defend google fast enough. Google had been so open and

This article outlines how she put people into cages and worked to keep them there for drug crimes that she then went on a podcast and admitted that she her self had committed. Trump is a piece of shit, Hillary is a piece of shit and Kammi is the same kind of selfish and self serving piece of shit.

I mean just because he belongs to a nation wide gang the is notorious for breaking the law and murdering unarmed civilians is no reason to take his making death threats seriously. Even fired he still gets wrapped in the safe space that only cops can enjoy.

When will anyone acknowledge that part of the problem is that same companies that push GMOs are the same companies that lied for years that their pesticides didn’t contribute to cancer ? Just like the same companies that created and got rich off the opiod crisis aren’t the same companies that make and sell vaccines. I

Sexism and racism are only bad when it dosen’t benefit me.

That’s not true, I saw a story not too long ago of one of these heros going after a guy in starbucks,sure he was in his 80's and a threat to no one but think of the courage that took.

My personal favorite, search for an item,comes back with 25 pages, click on lowest to highest price, now only 5 items to pick from. Like what happened to the rest?

My personal favorite, search for an item,comes back with 25 pages, click on lowest to highest price, now only 5

Funny note, during the first Bush admin. Mueller wrote the legal arguments that were used to justify what we now call extraordinary rendition. He also appeared in front of the commity that was trying to decide what to modify in the patriot act and argued that it needed to be expanded,because we were only weeks or

Durring the debate Castro said he is for universal healthcare,great, he then said non-citizens should be included, not great. He then said that we should remove all penalties for illegally entering our country. He will be the poster boy that the gop uses to say this is why trump needs to be reelected.

We know boycotting and divesting from companies is a great way to push them to change so why aren’t you guys naming and shaming them on a daily basis? The private companies that are running these hell holes are stealing our money. Once again members of congress went and either stood outside or allowed these companies