
I was going to  post this, but you beat me to it. Tried to star you but kinja is up to its usual bullshit.

I was going to  post this, but you beat me to it. Tried to star you but kinja is up to its usual bullshit.

Also great for detailing and cleaning your bike and chain.

You can almost guarantee that she had no problem keeping her mouth shut and looking the other way when this was happening to other women.

I’m still pissed that I09 repeatedly featured this crap fest but refused to cover Badlands.

That maybe the stupidest question,but the absolute stupidest answer of the night, was a grown man standing on stage in 2019 saying that Afghanistan was responsible for 911.

Tried watching it on Ytube, but not matter which site I go to it crashes after 3 or 4 minutes.

As long as we let two private clubs and their owners dictate who we are allowed to vote for, we are screwing ourselves.

In an area that they are monitoring, just itching for a reason to go after Iran, they have no real proof.

No, first and foremost they have to tell good stories so that when they make a statement about race it is thoughtful and emotionally impactful, not like I’m watching an ABC after school special. These kind of things only work if you care about the characters.

Here’s a crazy idea, if he committed crimes, how about you do your job and present the evidence to the American people. All she and her usefull idiots are doing is once again confirming the elitist bull that being accountable for your crimes is only for the little people, not them.

The sad thing is that he isn’t even trolling, the city and surrounding area that I live in now is full of workers like this. It is their culture, just the idea that their should be basic levels of respect confuses and angers them. I’ve seen mangers at every job I’ve had here do and say things that in any other area of

In some cases 2 or 3 to replace the one they lost.

I think the difference is that the dog didn’t brake into the car and then call the owner a piece of shit because it was too hot.

establishing moral consistency” You mean like coming out the same day that a national televised press conference is held telling the public that the President couldn’t be cleared of committing crimes and here is all the evidence of the alleged crimes and its up to Congress to indite and try him, and you come out and

As a fiscal conservative I’ve always been angry that they ignore that it would be more cost efficient and logistically easier to lock up a few dozen CEOs and HR managers then rounding up and imprisoning thousands of people.

Funny how we’re not hearing from all those conservative constitutional originalists about how the Founding Fathers would have felt about the President being above the law. I only have a high school education but I do remember that the phases “We are a nation of laws” and “no one, not even the President is above the

So, what you saying is a creator had a good idea for a series and then Fox execs decided to do it out of order? Why dose that sound so familiar?

So if someone says “hey snowflake you can’t cross the road yet the light is still red.” you would just ignore them for using that word and step into the street? No doubt using your last breath to correct the 2000 lbs of plastic and steel slamming into you that how you are in the right.

Just like with global cooling and the new ice age they are running out of runway. By now NY city and Manhattan and many coastal cities were supposed to be flooding on a regular basis. When Sandy hit they said that was the new normal and coastal towns and cities needed to spend,spend and spend to be ready. The coveage

On the other had this outlets sister sites are pushing and hyping fake “meat” burgers and food made from insects as the future of food for the peasant class.