
I keep seeing this “now is not the time” meam and then I remember that for all their experience that they are just as human as anybody else and capable of being wrong. Were they right when they voted for the Iraq war, where they right when the voted for the patriot act and then voted again to make it even worse? Were

Did they fix the problem with setting just ignoring your settings? Turn off update third party apps, ignored, turn off driver updates, every Sat. watch driver foundation update start in task manager and update third party apps and drivers. Turn off Smartsceen in setting and in edge setting, starts every time I use

Her brother the king of the six kingdoms is the three eyed raven, he can see the past,present and future and can warg into anyone he wants in what ever time and at anytime. But sure she is going to be totally independent and free to act as she sees fit. I see a future ruled by three eyed ravens in perpetuity.

Everybody got it wrong, GoT isn’t realistic Middle Earth it is Medieval DUNE told from the other characters pov. Bran is Maud’dib as the kid in Brightburn is to Superman.

I keep seeing that Bran was useless, but was he? He can see the past,present and future, so people complaining about Denys turn, who’s to say that Bran didn’t repeatedly warg into her and push her into these acts? Why didn’t he warg into Drogon and stop him from burning the city, we know he could of and that at the

Also Dems would rather lose the Senate than back grass root candidates more interested in serving the public then the shills and hacks they have anointed.

Alternate title: Nothing is going to change until we get the press to look into how much money politician and their families have personally invested in the industries and make it public.

Live action Thrawn.

I’m not seeing anything here about how their building in ways this will affect earthquake response plans. For all the bad things about car use, they come in handy in an emergency. When things go wrong some of the first things that fail are public transport. If there is a disaster are you going to call Uber or Lyft and

What are the odds that she belongs to ALEC and is only doing this because her corporate owners are sick of ICE screwing with their cheap work force.

I spent the first 15 minutes wishing I was watching this on a movie screen and I hope at some point HBO gets greedy enough to make that happen.

I want to re-watch this on movie screen.

I noticed that no where in the article is anyone talking to the homeless. I wonder how many of them had jobs until they were let go or run off because they were jobs Americans didn’t want. I wonder how many lost their place to live because “newcomers” were able to pay more for rent as the market got tighter and more

SPOILER Maybe......That’s what I am thinking too, I think there will be just enough dead to keep them tied up and the Knight King and his dragon are headed for Kingslanding. They made a big deal about how awesome Dany is for not doing a flyover and killing everyone in the city. If you are the Knight King the idea of

Don’t forget to get your poop map, so you can avoid the areas that are used by the homeless to relieve themselves, because companies lobbied to get rid of the public port-a-poties because they were unsightly and bad for the cities image.

Somebody at gawker media needs to start a blog called First World Problems and make this story the first thing you see, permanently. And for all the self entitled idiots, if you don’t want to be spoiled, maybe stay off of a site dedicated to Sifi.

Never forget that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to people at the meetings, brought up the idea of having him killed several time. It wasn’t until after this became public that he started pushing to get info to discredit her. What would you do it someone said they wanted you dead and they were in line

With all the speculation about time travel and people pointing out the different era uniforms that Cap is wearing, could these suits be a version of Stark’s nano-tech?