
because I am owned by healthcare companies”It’s even more likely that she owns stock in health care companies and big pharma, as AOC has pointed out you have people who have a personal financial interest in the laws they are writing and can adjust their investments before any law is even looked at let alone voted

A few years ago they raided a warehouse in my area and one of the people arrested was the on-site HR manager who was also illegal.

It’s just crazy, why would people who became millionaires and billionaires through insider trading and passing bills that favored some stocks and companies over others be against single payer? OH that’s right.

If you want to see Cranky Luke just watch the first ep. of the second series of Knightfall,it came out last week. I forgot he was going to be in it. It’s like someone wanted to show what Luke would have been like training the new Jedi and said, “Well I’m never going to get a chance to do that.” so here you go.

Has anybody looked into corporations adopting the churches way of dealing with sexual abusers? I worked for a bigbox store company and we had a serial sexual abuser and they handled it by promoting him and moving him to another state.

Now playing

The apple dosen’t fall far from the tree:

I think the jump points would be considered known safe zones that had been mapped out over time. The universe has been around a long time and the Celestials have been dumping tech all over the place. I don’t know how it works now but when I used to read Dr Strange comics he used to have to travel through different

Just go to youtube and do a search on police misconduct and you will find you don’t have enough hours in your lifetime to watch all the raw footage of police breaking the law and straight up lying  to people and violating their rights.

If anyone thinks for a second that police behavior is just a race thing go to youtube and do any search involving police misconduct. The latest rathole I went down involved a thing called First Amendment Audits. This involves some of the whitest people you will ever see going to public spaces armed with a phone or

I saw coverage of this and Dowless discovered this was going on in an earlier election and reported it to the at the time election board and they gave him the “cool story Bro” and ignored him. He may be the face of this now but he was just coping what others in the state were doing.

If you have an afternoon to kill and enjoy being angry may I suggest you go to youtube and do a search for first amendment audits. This involves people defending the right to film in public. I won’t say that some of the people aren’t intentionally being jerks, but the continual lieing and over reaction of police and

She was Firstlady for eight years. The idea that she wasn’t personally briefed about handling government documents and solely relied on Powell’s advise is bull.

I was listening to a podcast the other day and they played a clip of him appearing before the Foreign Relations Committee and he was being congratulated on the great job he was doing in dealing with Venezuela. The person congradulating him was congressmen Democrat Tim Kaine, yes that Tim Kaine,former Vice

The difference is due to licensing. Discovery has to be at least 25% different from the original series. Despite what they are selling in their PR it is not allowed to directly link it self to the original series.

Nothing was funnier then when they did a story attacking google for their tracking and one of the commentators pointing out that the article had over 300 trackers on the page of the article.

Notice how neither of the corporate parties are suggesting going after corporate profits to pay for anything to do with illegal immigration. They could probably build the wall twice as high and put the people in the immigration holding facility in luxury condos with just 6 months of the profits that companies are

He did,they told him they were too busy,it’s in the beginning of the video. That’s why he built the box.

Shout out from Northern NV, Guy rapes a 15 year old girl who passed out drunk, we know because be went outside after he finished and bragged about it to almost a dozen people, said that he had nothing to worry about because his grandfather is a sitting judge, he was right.

Why do you think the both parties have been working to create and fund private armies. History and the founders of this country for all their shortcomings knew that never turns out well for the populus. It is not a coincidence that congress is pushing the tech community to censor what is on their platforms and the

Grassroot Dems tried that this cycle and the DNC told them to go fuck themselves, we have our shills up and running and ready to go.