
Sounds great but history says that just means that bureaucrats who aren’t elected end up making most of the decisions.

They’re not called bribes, they’re just future employment and consulting opportunities, that will in no way affect the way he is serving up,sorry I meant to say serving the public. 

Well they have finally and truly become just another part of corporate America, were employees receive a harsher punishment for talking about management breaking policies and laws then the managers breaking the policies and laws. 

You forgot only white people can be racist and google is evil ,but microsoft’s privacy violations are just honest to goodness opsies.

My number #1 tip, check your privacy settings after any windows update that requires a restart. Windows now has a habit of changing and reauthorizing apps and settings. They also are removing some privacy settings so that you can’t avoid their data mining.

“Doll ?” Taxidermy. 

I’m all for calling google out on their datamining, there used to be a box in settings that you could check called ‘turn off browser history’. On the other hand if you go to the windows 10 forums you can see pages of comments about microsoft turning off people’s privacy setting every time their is a new forced update,

They had that in the first couple of years after chrome came out and then at some point an update removed it.

No,no he did not get played and reporters using this kind of title is one of the reasons people don’t trust the press. How many times could a co-worker or a source lie and scam you before you didn’t believe a word they said. He has worked with these people in some cases for years and you are going to say that he

You’ve never met my mother.

Sounds fun.

Is anyone else having a problem in the last few month with window constantly pushing cpu and disk usage to 100%. My machine has run on the low end of these for years but, even after a refresh it keeps switching to a new program and back up to full usage of both. First it was running background apps that I didn’t use,

Windows 10 update says fuck your privacy and driver settings. If you have time to update then you’ve got the three hours it’s gonna take to put things back where you wanted them. Windows 10, because calling it Vista II would be too on the nose.

A day ago a local sam’s club was broken into and over $5000 in apple products were stolen. Anyone who has ever owned an apple product can tell you that it will not work without you signing into the device with your apple account. These will be taken apart,sold and used to repair and upgrade other apple devices. This

Calling a woman a slut or even if the woman says that she is a slut does not under any circumstances make it ok to rape her. Go fuck yourselves you frat boy scum.

With a lot of help from the Dems. He’s too hard to beat so why waste money on an opposing candidate? Thousands of people in his district but we can’t find just one who could beat him. We’ll local Dems have started a grassroots effort and found a candidate who appeals to local voters. NO,NO,NO their not one of our

On what basis do you think either of these private clubs will ever allow you that kind of choice in candidates.

Just imagine going to a job interview and when you get questioned about past behaviour you get angry,belligerent, start crying and then threaten people who work there if you don’t get the job. 

first time I saw the tweet I thought “Oh their making a live action One Piece movie”

I can’t wait till Hillary starts her run, that’ll change everything.