
Same reason they do anything,MONEY.

Democratic party to Democrat voters “It’s just a prank bro,why you so upset.”.

It’s one thing to spend your own money to earn reward, the the constant shifts so that you can’t use them is just a rip-off,sorry your life got too busy to use the rewards you earned. Can I have the money back I spent earning them? No,let me just close my account and remove your app.

Well like they always tell us if you haven’t done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about.

It’s worse than that, he gave a sound bite saying something about people didn’t have to worry Trump doing something about the russia investigation because they were keeping an eye on him. Then he went golfing over the weekend with Trump and the first thing he said next was that Trump was one of the most honest and

The best take on this I have seen from a women on reddit: Brett Kavanaugh is who the rapist Brock Turner was hoping  to grow up to be, so he could make the rules about how people like Brock Turner are treated.

Please do one of these for Google calendar,I haven’t added anything in a few weeks and today I tried to set up a two day event and then I gave up and removed disabled it in the browser and phone. This used to be dead simple and even after doing a search for how to do this after this last change all I can say is why.

Have you seen any WB announcement that didn’t start with either a director and then cast announcement or a star and then director announcement and the last sentence vagley mentioning that at some point they would work on the script. Because the best way to tell a story is to not have one.

I know it’s easier for the company to put out a statement about the lone unhinged employee and the company that runs this site likes nothing better than running with all guns are evil and the people that own them are garbage by nature but what if about a different take. I have worked in several places where it was

The Doctor has been a man for as long as we the audience have known him. Many of us, for story purposes would’ve liked an in story reason why it is important that this is being changed or for the future of the show why it is no longer necessary for the Doctor to be any particular sex or race. Just as the War Doctor

They just announce the live action Last Avatar, I think she would fit right in.

because he’s a dried-out piece of beef jerky who happens to sit on one of the most important committees in Congress.” NO,stop saying this, he doesn’t happen to be on this committee. Every position on every committee is paid for with cash.No one is on these committees without paying for it and nobody gets to run a

I think that as long as they tell good stories the general public and fans will move past the switch. I also think that if they were going to do this the people above the show runner should have had a plan. They established the War Doctor long before the fiftieth anniversary show so that when he showed up you knew it

If there were any justice it would be because someone was holding a laptop with all the footage and waved off the first responders as a tornado scooped them up.

You can convert the points to money, real world gift cards, for restaurants,fast food and online stores. It’s virtually free money. I realise they are using this to inflate their numbers but it’s more than a $100 a year. For a lot of people that is worth 5 to 10 minutes a day.

If the WB was capable of getting their s**t together they would embrace the Elseworlds model. In the right hands that could give them Black Panther level success.

MS telling you that they are updating and changing the way settings work to enhance your security and privacy has become the equivalent of a congress member telling you they need a new law  that breaks the internet to protect the children.

Funny you should say that,even if you spend an hour searching out every setting to stop edge and several other MS apps from running in the background, that doesn’t work. If your streaming a video or playing a game and it starts to buffer or lag, just get used to keeping taskmanager open because your will find two to

That’s why they removed that phrase from their company mission statement a few months ago.

She’s right up there with the women who do the CBS morning show. Everytime they report on a metoo story and act shocked that these things happen, you two sat next to Charlie Rose for how many years ? None of those women ever came to you for help or advice?