
She’s right up there with the women who do the CBS morning show. Everytime they report on a metoo story and act shocked that these things happen, you two sat next to Charlie Rose for how many years ? None of those women ever came to you for help or advice?

I don’t know, that seems like a cynical comment it’s almost like you think that these kinds of articles should automatically include who paid for the study. It’s like if the media reported for years that studies showed that eggs were bad for you and then you found out years later that the studies were paid for by the

Or maybe it’s the fact that for over 10 years the dems have been singing the“nothing we can do,zippity do da” song, but this year they twice threatened to shut down the government and showed up at rallies to support non-citizens.

I think you are over thinking it. This is more about the cowardis of the cops, just look at the pictures. The scumbags brought clubs and batons and probably some concealed gun. The counter protesters are carrying signs. Who is more likely to fight back and actually make the cop work for his money. The “heroes” in

Let’s just have Cap run into them in the next movie and watch as the whole universe melts down.

Walmart got in trouble for having people with no relatives sign up for life insurgence policies that paid out to management when they died. In the store I worked in the head of overnight maintenance was laying on the floor dieing while the managers argued about whether it would be better to wait and see if he would

I shit you not,I opened one of the first super-centers on the west coast and our head of overnight security used a walker.

Nick I’ve worked for a few guys just like you, you’re just so smart and clever. First thing they do is run off anyone with a different opinion and can actually do their job. Then a few months later you start hearing that things have gone down hill and fewer and fewer people are going there and then a couple of months

Another person and I were just having that discussion here,and now it’s gone,go figure.

I think sometimes it comes down to individual authors. I am an independent and it is clear that it’s not about foul language or a lack of facts on commenters side that gets you banned. They posted an article a while ago about google tracking and someone pointed out that the page had over 350 add and tracking cookies

There was a time an article like this would have easily gotten a hundred comments, this is the result of shadowbanning people because gawker sites are no longer interest in the conversation only the clicks.

This isn’t your friend Becky nextdoor, it is very likely that she has some type of professional representation and would be able to find out both her rights and possible consequences with one phone call.

I also don’t see anything in this article dealing with temp agencies. When I worked for them, most expected you to be at the employer facility 15 mins to a 30 mins before the shift to sign in on the agencies sheet before they would decide if you could work that day,with the added bonus that if too many show up  you

It makes me wonder if the people replying to you have ever worked before. While calling these people out may give her a temporary feeling of relief ,in the long term you are better off pushing for equality for all then making personal attacks. It’s not sexist to think that people doing the hiring for future gigs might

Oh the irony, for 10 years as one crisis after another has hit American citizens the dems have stood in front of the cameras bemoaning that there was nothing they could do because they didn’t have the votes to help. Then in the last year they have twice threatened to shut down the government and even walked hand in

This was what the Civil Rights fight was all about, the right to be just as racist as any redneck. Your ignorant racists screeds are no more helpful than the KKK’s

Brought to you by Univision: hispanic Pravda. Is a pro South America/anti USA news organisation any better for us?

Everytime I see one of these Univision clickbait articles about this I think,as an American citizen if I packed a couple backpacks, grabbed some cash, bottled water and my kids and hit the road to walk one or two states over with no guarantee of food or shelter during the trip and someone found out I think you could

Maybe you can help me with an Outlook Mail problem,for years I have had my facebook notifications go to my junk folder,just where I wanted them. About a month ago outlook decided to move them to my inbox and no matter how many times I move them to my junk folder outlook keeps moving them back. I know I could just

So you are seriously saying that you believe that Trump and his lackeys created a facility to house transgender immigrants. You think people who you believe are racist homophobes would spend money on this,really? These existed during the Obama years,but that was different right. Just like the immigrant child custody