
Arbitration, if not outright abolished should be legislated to be only an option after people have a legal disagreement. They idea that you should give up your constitutional right to your day in court before being hired for a job or using a product or service is just plain wrong. It’s been years since I read any

What’s the point of voting if the party only allows you to choose from people who represent the party’s interests instead of the community they are supposed to speak for.

It feels like we had 2-3 episodes and the rest of the season has been going back and showing it to us again through a different person’s perspective every week. I can’t wait for the breakout episode told from the sushi boats perspective,45 minutes of people wandering in and out of the cafeteria having random

Gawker certainly had their share of shitposters and astroturfers in the past but now you can find threads with 50 to 75 comments without one dissenting opinion. Just yesterday I came across an article that had only one comment and the writer dismissed mine,no foul language, no caps,I just disagreed. No comments are

Google news reordered and removed all my settings. This attitude is why I used the setting on my phone to block off google now. I don’t have any interest in sports, I never checked the sports setting and dismissed all sports stories and yet they repeatedly updated my feed with mostly sports. The new desktop update is

I’m surprised they let you post on the gawker echo chamber.

So this is the second story I’ve come across about this that fails to mention that amazon has multiple devices to put in and around your home and at least 2 of them have built in cameras. On the one hand with the amount of their packages that get stolen from people’s doorways and porches this could this could be

Your missing the part of the story where you investigated to find out who paid for this study. One of the reasons big media gets painted with the fake news brush is that for decades they ran reports on studies touting the next big thing without reporting that they were paid for by the industries that would profit from

I hate to stoop to your level but you are an idiot. Just because a job “has no specialized skills” does not mean that someone doing an honest days work doesn’t deserve to be treated with respect. I have also worked in places where the some of the hispanic workers have used tactics straight out of the KKK handbook to

My favorite,I was pointing out that Hillary was slow to acknowledge Blacklivesmatter and support gay marriage and the first reply I got started by calling me a right wing cuck.

This would have been a great opportunity for a story about how this is the way companies work. News organisations used to have legal obligations that dictated how they reported the news, but once people with enough money got involved the first thing they did was payoff elected officials to change or eliminate and gut

It’s been 6 months since the 2nd season ended.

They tend to have a better take on the emotion of the character,things are literally lost in translation.

When I got into anime all I watched were dubs,in particular FMA,but by the time FMA Brotherhood came out I was all subs. When I tried to go back and watch the original series the english vocals made me cringe. When I try to find a clip of something on YT I can’t close the tab fast enough if it is dubbed.

OK,so let’s put aside whether this is fair or not for just a second. Is anyone addressing the positive impact these people could have on their own countries. They have seen both the good and bad that our country has to offer. They and their children have had access to education that isn’t possible in their countries

Now playing

The openings are great and I like the way they show Deku’s growth but this ending is also

That’s too narrow,he needs to be on the HR vetting team to shape the administrations message.

These things are all sold as needed to keep the public safe

I think one of my local grocers is trying to kill me. If you create an online account with them they will give you discounts and sometimes free stuff. I rarely shop there anymore and after a year of them giving me nothing. they sent me an offer for a free bag of romaine.

I can’t remember exactly but earlier in the season something happened to Raphe’s brain and his elastic cells snapped back and fixed it. Also when he first got his powers he could stretch,but could not pull himself back together so they injected him with something to return him to normal,so either of these solutions