
At one point Sabine turned and on the shoulder piece of her armor she had a picture of Ahsoka’s owl. That nagged at me for the rest of the episode until the ending. Nice work.

I’m sorry but you need to understand their job is not to protect and serve that is just a PR motto. Their job is to enforce the law. The police union took a case to the Supreme Court to avoid lawsuits were they failed to protect the public.

Sad fact for you,all committee appointments are based on the ability to pay. That’s how Derrel Isa became the head of a committee in his first months of serving. The parties literally have a price list for the various committees and if you have enough you can buy leadership of a committee.

What ever you do let’s not discuss the part were the drug companies have been caught bribing doctors, having drugs that are going out of patent reclassified to treat other ailments that they were never intended to treat, that then killed people. Let’s pretend that the press have for decades reported on miracle cures

You must be new to this site,90% of the movie announcements in morning spoilers start with a release date,followed by the people in the running to direct or someone to write the script.

Still waiting for the Deadpool one-shot that takes place on an alternate earth where once a woman gives birth her name is changed to Martha.

Imagine you own a home and you repeatedly see people ,sometimes armed people, wondering through your yard,opening your gates and putting cameras up. Would that be ok with you. Would it be ok to come home and have your kid tell you that while they were out playing in their yard that strangers wondered around your

For a while casinos had them in their sports betting areas to prevent bookies sitting in there and taking calls and placing bets. Most people just assumed that their call dropped because they were in a building dead zone, but once it became known that they were using jamers they pulled them to avoid legal problems.

Chrome has now reached the Hulu level of dysfunction when it comes to streaming video playback. I stopped using hulu years ago because it was clear the they were so focused on making sure their ads played that they ignored all the problems they were having playing the shows. After every major update chrome turns to

Too bad someone with a highschool education wasn’t there to explain to them that this is the exact reason the founders never wanted us to have a standing army.They new from first hand experience that if we gave them an amy someone would always find a reason to use it.


There isn’t a doupt in my mind the Trump and his friends do this,here’s a pic of some them now.

First off I do not own or need a gun. That being said let’s talk about some other things. First families have had guns in there homes for generations, but mass school shooting are a recent development,why? Prescription drugs, for a while after nearly everyone of these events one of the first things that would be said

It’s almost like both parties represent someone who benefits from the status quo,I wonder who that donor is?

From banking to shopping,how many transactions do I get charged a fee to use my own money? We haven’t even reached the point where we can reliably get an id to vote,but yea let’s hand over my ability to buy food to these people.

I wonder if Georgiou is going to use the Defiant to get back to the Empire. 

The next check,their always needs to be a pay off for Her to get involved.

It’s unpopular because of all the things that have been done to screw American citizens over, from the bank crash to banks laundering money for the drug cartels,the banks repeatedly committing fraud and identity theft,to stealing peoples homes,to repeated violations of the fourth amendment that most most of us think

One easy way to connect to the Arrowverse would be for one or both of these guys come looking for someone.

With the way media consolidation has worked out the only hope we have left is the internet. For decades it was know that all news reporting was a money losing proposition, we are supposed to believe that for-profit corporations bought up all the newspapers and news outlets for the public good. The goal now is to do