
I think on DS9 there was an episode where the Klingons were drinking wine from the skull of their enemies.

But following their ancient tradition they all scream Martha right before they die.

I grew up in a conservative middle class east coast neighborhood and my mother worked in a bank. She taught us nothing about finance or managing our money. Forget going back in time to kill Hitler, I would take everything I could get my hands on,tie my early self to a chair and force myself to learn. These classes

If you just base his worth on his UNIT salary,he’s been on their payroll since the late sixties,he must have a good chunk of change in the bank. 

They all have Profesional agents,their beef should be with the people getting paid to negotiate for them not netflix.

When this post only had 3 comment I wrote that I believe that this new rush to lower the limit had more to do with making up for the revenue and lower incarceration rates because pot was being legalised. All of our prison labor camps are about to lose their easy access to new bodies and politicians that the prison

New laws brought to you by the Prison Industrial Complex. With pot becoming legal in more states you can expect prison slave work camps to be running low on meat for the chain gang so we need new laws to keep cheap products moving out.

The easy fix for this has been there from the beginning. All congress would have to do is write a law that moves email to be covered under the postal service just like snail mail. There are constitutional protections that have been there since the founding of the country and hundreds of years of settled law about what

Hey,anybody remember a year or so ago when they busted that pedifile ring and they anounsed that there were highly placed members of our government involved,but they couldn’t say who yet because the investigation was still ongoing? When it paid off on the last two votes on pulling back on the surveillance state we all

I think that the fact that we can all see that the religious rape culture has no particle denomination but welcomes all with no exception to which god you worship has had a massive impact on organised worship. Just like access to the internet confirmed that police are out of control across the country. This is a great

Isn’t that the way companies work? Are you saying that maybe money does not always flow to the most qualified person and that hardwork and loyalty don’t just automatically get rewarded.

So am I wrong that in Britain people working at this level don’t have agents? I mean these aren’t people who go into their supervisors office and ask for a raise,they literally pay some agency to do that for them. Wouldn’t she have been better off firing them and hiring someone to negotiate her contract? 

This is at least the second story that they have posted that gives only one line saying that he committed wire fraud without any explanation about what he is accused of doing. Was this a trumped up charge,did he just forget to cross a T or dot an I and they jumped on it to get rid of him? How about some actual context

I would much rather see stories showing how our non-tax paying corporations are benefiting from keeping these countries shit holes.Yelling at the top of your lungs about the president may feel good in the short term but fails to address what and who is making money off of keeping these countries impoverished. The

I’m old enough to have run into people of different races who have been just as racist and narrow minded as any klan member. Yesterday during the well documented meeting between Trump and the Dems,as they have been saying for years,that sending people back to their home countries would be offal because among other

So you would rather he be more publicly multicultural and be a closet racist like most of the Democratic leadership.

This is the same congress that has been trying for several years to get apple to break their encryption and give them a backdoor for all apple products. This is the dog and pony show for the public while the real conversation will be behind close doors because they think they can rile the public up and use this as

It’s just so heartwarming to see all the support for this poor kid. Just look at all the posters asking where they can send money and offering to take him in and care for him. It’s easy and pathetic to bitch about the wrong when you make it obvious that you expect the rest of us to pick up the tab and fix this. Not

And it’s obvious that you are an idiot and not a business management expert. Studies have shown that while that may be true in smaller restaurants the large chains have over the last 10 or more years increased management and board members salaries and bonuses anywhere from 100% to 600%. While frontline employees pay

I doupt this will get out of the greys but,knowing what we know now about her handling of her emails you can go to youtube and watch unedited videos of her straight up lying to congress,You can googe her written statements and read her words verbatim and see as she tells lie after lie as secretary of state to justify