
This,if any one thing has driven me to use Amazon it is this. If something breaks and I go to replace it at several stores and I’m told that they don’t have it in stock,but can have it delivered in 2 to 3 days what good are you to me. I think the 3rd time I went into circuit city and was told that even though they

For years the would post management training jobs on sites and they when you go in and apply you get told that sorry but you just missed the latest round but if you want to come in and work as a minimum wage stocker their sure you can be first in line for the next session. The postings stayed up for years.

Is it that crazy? Just look at your local politicians,both parties say that small businesses are the core of the community and then give 5 to 10 year tax breaks to the big box stores. In my case they let the new wal collect and keep the city and county sales taxes for 5 years with an option to renew. Too many American

The picture for this story could not be more on point.As governor Pence dismantled the hiv and needle exchange programs in his state leading to an outbreak and resurgents of aids/hiv in his state.Even if you think Trump is just a buffon Pence sure as shit knows the consequences of this.

Bullshit,one of the most poppular characters in the DC/CW hero shows is this guy,

They took something that was supposed to help everyone and the country improve and move forward and turned it into yet another way to economicly stripmine the middle class of all their former and future wealth.

What we need is to escape from the death grip of the Democratic and Republican parties at every level of government. They no longer represent the general public’s interest. I read a press release just the other day from a local government agence discussing the trouble that all the new housing they felt we were going

Not even close to the opening shot,did you fail to notice that the first thing that our government did was make sure the bankers were taken care of during the financial collapse that they caused? Did you not notice that no one running a bank went to jail when they got caught forging signatures on loan documents and

Sometimes comments like this surf right over my head.

Luke finally explains what the Skywalkers were created for. In the prequels the Jedi and the Sith both know about a chosen one who will return balance to the Force,both also have their own interpretation of what that means. When Luke is telling Rey to breath and feel the Force he makes it clear that the Force does

One of those I know a guy stories,”I you really wanted to scare the American public you would just let the congressional pharmacies release the figures for how much alzheimer’s treatment medicine they go threw in a month”.

Luke finally explains what the Skywalkers were created for. In the prequels the Jedi and the Sith both know about a chosen one who will return balance to the Force,both also have their own interpretation of what that means. When Luke is telling Rey to breath and feel the Force he makes it clear that the Force does not

Until we make the companies who encourage people coming here illegally pay for hiring them we will never fix this.The fact the that we never even talk about this is the biggest problem. If you get caught selling alcohol to a miner you get find personally and your company gets hit with a fin that actually has some

Do you really think that their friends and fellow investors at the telcos and cable cos won’t have that covered ?

you mean the same people who wrote an article about google tracking people and whose comment section was almost exclusively made up of people pointing out that there were over 300 add and tracking cookies connected to the story page.

Has anyone covered how much members of congress and their families have invested in companies that would profit from ending net neutrality?

First thing I thought of when I saw this article. I remember the first secret war and I was reading all the Spiderman titles at the time. End of one issue he is taken by the beyonder and back the next issue with no break in continuity. Stories grew out of him having the new suit but they continued with the rest of the

Wow,the level of sexism in these (10 at this point) comments is repulsive. I was in a relationship not dissimilar to this. Even the therapist we went to said it was obvious that we both loved each other. That is the reason that we stayed together as long as we did. I am not the kind of person who cheats period.

Thank you,I am so tired of media outlets trying to rehabilitate these kinds of people. One of the things I miss about the old daily show are the 3 minute clips of someone running their mouths and being wrong again and again.

One of the really annoying things in life is having family members who freek when their tech doesn’t work,but refuse to learn how to use it. One bought a 1 terabyte wordbook, then asked me to show him how to set it up and now refuses to use it. He has 2 desktops and a laptop on the same network and I showed him how

One of the really annoying things in life is having family members who freek when their tech doesn’t work,but refuse