
It’s even more likely that they are investors in these companies. Take the bribe sure,but make sure that your dividends are taken care of first.

No,what they are saying is that what he was doing was no different than the right wing,family values homophobe and anti abortion politicians who then gets caught having gay sex or funding multiple abortions for the women he is cheating on his wife with. It’s rightly called hypocrisy.

Even 5 or 10 years ago there were articles and TV segments documenting what they called birth tourism. There are entire private hospitals whose only function is as places for Chinese nationals can come and give birth in the US and acquire dual citizenship. As much as we complain about illegals just wait to the wealthy

Welcome to the world the rest of us have been dealing with for years.Ten years ago I worked for Walmart and you could get in more trouble for talking about a manager who had sexually harassed at least four women,who were fired or transferred to other stores,then he got in for doing it.He got promoted to store manager

So how about refraining this.How many of these tax cuts directly affect congress members and their families stock portfolio’s. Rather than thinking they are helping others the truth is these changes will directly affect their personal wealth.That is a lot more damning than pointing at their donors. Just like their

With hands free driving this going to get messy fast.

The only problem I have with this is that no one wants to talk about culture that was created around these people that allowed it to go on for so long. There are always enablers around these people. People who benefited financially ,professionally and personally from this. Those people will have no problem finding

This morning on lifehacker they ran a story about android apps tracking people and most of the comments were people using browser apps to show how many ad trackers were coming from the lifehacker site itself. As in over a hundred third party tracking cookies were being added to your browser just by visiting the site

I think it’s time to let the people we made ware tin-foil hats for saying that facebook was a CIA spy program be let off the hook. Face recognition software,send us your nudes,the new and improved send us a selfie or we will block you from your page and the privacy invasion never stops.

I think that if you were to watch the two cross overs back to back the Kara/Oliver romance makes sense story wise. In last years crossover Oliver could barely stand to stay in the same room with her. On Earth One he even made a Kryptonite arrow. Seeing the two of them together would totally mess with E-1's Oliver’s

Did anybody else notice that when Overgirl was standing over Supergirl and gloating that she was totally channeling Cat Grant.

Correction: An earlier version noted the bill required an “intent to harm.” It only requires that a perpetrator know there was a risk that sharing the image could harm the victim, regardless of the perpetrator’s motive.>>>>>> Other wise known as the 1% er and politicians get out of jail free card. “What my

I’m not advocating rudeness for it’s own sake. As I said in my original comment people have different ways of communicating, the problem on both sides of this are intention. Both approaches can used to control the discussion.  

Of Course there is,but more often than not this is used to control the conversation and steer it away from what someone is trying to say. It’s like the people who attack grammar and punctuation because they don’t want to engage in an honest conversation. Having a free flowing conversation can lead to new ideas and

Or they could just go work for walmart for a few weeks and see it on a daily basis.

Thank you,you are the best gatekeeper and you win at controlling the conversation.Not on my time but good luck.

White guy from conservative area of South Jersey,this is my entire family and this is just how we talk,the idea that your have to stop the whole flow of conversation when you already know what the other person is going to say is annoying as all hell. This is a conflict based on two entirely different ways of thinking

It seems that the people in every level of government are so used to having aids and assistants do the work for them that they no longer feel the need to learn anything. I shouldn’t really just blame them,when the equifax story first broke I told my mother’s husband about it and he called a friend who he insists has

Well there are already 100 comment so I’m sure this has been covered,but why not both. Ham is great for breakfast and turkey for dinner. Then celebrate that you have leftovers for days.

Well there are already 100 comment so I’m sure this has been covered,but why not both. Ham is great for breakfast and turkey for dinner. Then celebrate that you have leftovers for days.