
Well there are already 100 comment so I’m sure this has been covered,but why not both. Ham is great for breakfast and turkey for dinner. Then celebrate that you have leftovers for days.

Well there are already 100 comment so I’m sure this has been covered,but why not both. Ham is great for breakfast and turkey for dinner. Then celebrate that you have leftovers for days.

Well there are already 100 comment so I’m sure this has been covered,but why not both. Ham is great for breakfast and turkey for dinner. Then celebrate that you have leftovers for days.

Well there are already 100 comment so I’m sure this has been covered,but why not both. Ham is great for breakfast and turkey for dinner. Then celebrate that you have leftovers for days.

Well there are already 100 comment so I’m sure this has been covered,but why not both. Ham is great for breakfast and turkey for dinner. Then celebrate that you have leftovers for days.

People,people suck. Yes their supervisors didn’t want to deal with this,but you know what really makes you feel like shit,it’s the people who know it’s going on and have no problem telling you they know that an abuser is a peice of shit and then turn around slap them on the back and tell them what a great job they

Ublock Origin is your friend. Right click,look for block element,click and move cursor to the bottom right of your screen,a small window will open,click create and boom gone across all gawker sites. These sites have run multiple articles about how crappy ads can ruin the surfing experience and then turn around and do

They are part of the European Union and just like in the US if you can get one or two states to pass a law that can be used to spread to other members or pushed to the Union parliament.

I was shocked,shocked I tell you that a “man” of his caliber would endorse a person who would sexualise underage girls.

There is no add money in a landslide. It is sad that people keep falling for this. How many times have we been told in the last decade that all the polls say that the race is too close to call until it’s over and it becomes clear that it was never close. As long as the press can leverage access and add buys we will

If you are using ublock origin you can right click on the border of the video and click block element and then hit create in the box. For as much as the gawker sites bitch about google they seem to subscribe to the same “let screw things up until they bitch” mentality.

Imagine one of these school shooting where the perp can track everyone’s location. It’ only a matter of time until one of these nutjobs figures this out or just finds out there’s an app for that.

I started using it yesterday and at first it was ok but key addons are not available and today with only 8 tabs open I started getting a yellow banner saying that this tab was slowing down the browser.This means the tab is now dead,no refresh,no going back or opening another site,it is just dead.After this happening

I think about that everytime I see another glowing story about him. He reclassified murdered civilians as enemy combatants to evade responsibility for killing people whose only crime was walking down the same street as the 15th #1 accountant for isis.

Are you talking about the same Disney that just fired the directors of the Han Solo movie? No,wait you mean the same Disney who fired and replaced the director of episode IX.

They could both have started the year at the same age and the friend’s birthday comes before Alex’s,so basicly they are the same age. Unless I missing what you are referring to and then nevermind.

My main take away from the series from the beginning has been that I want a one shot episode of Daisy getting dragged along for a day by Lockjaw and her trying to figure out what is going on.

When are we going to get a story on the real scumbags in this transaction? I’ve lost track of how many stories have been posted about this two bit company and not one on the lowlives in Puerto Rico who spent what limited fund they had on this. This is literally like blaming the cashier at your store because your kid

MCU needs the Hulk vs Wolverine rivalry asap. I want a Hulk,Wolverine buddy road movie.