
Nope,since the next two movies take place in space Galactus needs to show up leading to the emergence of the FF. 

But he still has a vague memory of making some kind of deal with someone named Mephisto.

Now imagine that this is your car.Sorry we can’t update your car anymore you can either go to your local dealership (authorised personnel only or void your warranty) and pay for a new chip or will can downgrade your system to the basic needed to operate your car,also for a fee. Updating until your purchase is

Yes the police could benefit from more training,I think his point is that if the money was spent on the community instead,then you might not need the police as much. My point is that the leaders who want to spend this money don’t care about bettering the conditions in that community,but do want to make sure the

I’m sorry Chance that you and most of America have not gotten the message that the police and most elected officials do not work for you or your neighbors benefit. The police need to be taken care of first,because at some point people might get tired of getting murdered or screwed and our “leaders” are going to need

Consistently the richest man in the world is from Mexico you racist ass-hole.

So sometime in their future you will have the anti vaccsures preaching zombie denial.

Just imagine if the people in charge of Star Trek had even half the media and business savvy of these people.

Get used to it. With the continuing news about how the FCC is going to eliminate net neutrality all of these services are going to make us miss our cable bills. One of the major reasons that we started getting these services at all was due to the amount of money they were losing to pirating. With the new controls

The real problem with the pro-cancer people is that they don’t know how to compromise.

Man-child gets called out for his immaturity and throws a childish tantrum and then fires the person he mistreated. This seems like a fairly straight line to sexual harassment.

I googled tea makers and then switched to images and wow are there are a lot of different takes on how to pour water over leaves.

My favorite mug(s) are the ones I spend .29 cents for at the thrift store.I really need to stop.

My favorite mug(s) are the ones I spend .29 cents for at the thrift store.I really need to stop.

This is a company that has the rights to one of the biggest and well known entertainment properties in the world and did absolutely nothing for its 50th anniversary. You’d think that at least someone on the financial side would have been screaming about how much money the fans would have been shoveling at them for an

Well I’m frustrated with the fact that Mayor Cruz and the press are more focused on what a small Montana company is doing then the people who awarded the contract.They are literally a short drive away from her. They have all the power to explain this and are directly answerable to the people she is supposed to

So I wonder how this ties into googles latest change in the way they measure ads on websites as well as the demonetization fest they have been doing to news sites on ytube. I guess they have gotten as far as they can on the “little people’s”free content and are now ready to join up with the big boys. The Entertainment

Stop picking on Hillary.

Racism is racism I don’t care what color your clan hood is.

In all the articles I’ve read in the last couple of weeks I find it just plain weird that no one as addressed the hazing factor. I don’t think I have ever worked a job where I haven’t witnessed some odd event and heard someone say “well yea that sucks but we all had or have to deal with it”. This has included some

The main job of police these days is to generate revenue,period.I guarantee that if you told the leaders of any police force in the country that you were going to give them a cut of the profits from these prisons,they would quickly set up a bus service from the areas were illegals live straight to the prison by the