
Eugene is with the Proctors and when he meets Abraham he see’s a way out and lies to him about the cure.This would explain why he adapted so quickly the Savior compound.

Obvious dismissive troll is also obvious troll. A few stories above this is a story calling the 10,ooo hr to become good at something is a myth. Lifehacker and their sister sites have posted quite a few articles backing up the positive side of this theory over the last year.

So did I hallucinate the last scene? Stamets walks out of the bathroom and he is still in the mirror. This wasn’t covered in the article and it hasn’t shown up in the comments either.Maybe the sporedrive doesn’t just move through space but to and through different universes. 

Or more likely lawmakers demand campaign contributions or they might actually do something about this. Let’s remember this is the same thing they said to the banks after the meltdown until the checks started rolling in and we’ve seen how well that worked out for the rest of us.

Is there any information that Lindsay Lohan was caught up in this.The way she went from near A lister with a great future to paid party girl has always made me wonder if something other than shitty parents caused her meltdown.

There was a story last week about how google was changing their ad tracking algo and how it would impact some web sites,since then giz has been on a daily tear to pump out as many negative google articles as they can.

I’m fixated on the level of corruption and collusion involved.This has opened MILLIONS of people up to identity theft and could limit their financial health and ability to get work in the future.

I’ll bet you it did,the 1% ers were most likely in a fenced off area with security and as soon as the bullets started flying they were rushed in-side while everyone else was left to fend for themselves.

Why would anyone believe him? Equifax new about the hacks in March,their company offices are in his district and he introduced this in May,months before this became public and while the company execs were already selling off stock. He withdrew it in Sept. because it was becoming public and since then it has barely

That’s my point,he introduced this after they knew about the hack and months before the public found out.How is this not front page news and why aren’t hearing being called to get to the bottom of this?

How is your headline not the fact that months before this came out ,that they went to their congressmen and had him submit legislation to limit the amount they would have to pay if sued for just this problem.How is this not the main story on every site and news show.

Well, Venom is an alien parasite so there you go,mission accomplished.

Has there been any study that compared football to rugby? I remember an old report on I think the hbo Bryant Gumbel show that showed that as the players got better protected they tended to hit harder and that this was leading to more severe injuries.

Just an hour ago I watched a video of Antifa protesting in Berkeley,a white member of the protest complained about the way he was being treated by the other protesters, at which point the leaders began berating him for white privilege and yelled that racism and oppression were in his DNA.That’s just as racist and

Look inbreeder all the reports point out what law she broke,but the exact quote was that they weren’t going to pursue charges because they did not believe she intended to break the law. Google is the enemy of moral cowards like you.This isn’t an opinion these are actual facts.Thank you for making my point about you

OK,but Her emails,there are people in jail for doing the same thing she did.The difference is that they aren’t rich or important enough.Nobody in the FBI or justice department ever cared about their intent all they cared about was that these people broke the law and getting a win. She knows she is above the law and

Did anybody else look at the picture and think he would have made an amazing Joker?