
In more shady bullshit news,in May they handed their congressional representative some legislation that would limit their liability.So two months after finding a breach they had their well paid congressional shill introduce a law to cover their bottom line while leaving everyone else to swing in the breeze. http://www.

New update that in May congressmen Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) introduced legislation to shield equifax from liability from just this kind of breech. Their main office is in his district and equifax wrote it for him.H.R. 2359 

They tried that in the 50's and you ended up with young people who looked at us sending poor people’s kids to die in other counties based on lies and got off their asses and marched in the streets. They have since fixed that and now everybody changes they’re facebook and twitter icons and declares mission accomplished.

Have you guys considered offering this as a option? I being serious, an article was posted on gizmodo about how a new google ad-blocker was going to impact sites and the comments were a non stop attack on the kinds of adds your sites run.Most flat out said they would never whitelist you.You deserve to be paid for your

Congress is truly the living symbol of the phrase garbage in garbage out.

Russian hacking,it’s always Russian hacking.

You could fill the internet with the things movie execs are doing to kill profits.They might want to try having a good story to tell first.Nearly every movie announcement starts with a release date followed by ; they don’t have a script yet,they are working on the script or they are dumping the old script and starting

Don’t forget his Nobel and his Tuesday meetings to decide who to drone.Nothing says peace like killing innocent bystanders and then changing the rules to say they are now enemy combatants.

It’s funny I was having this same thought this morning.I was watching the scene in Return of the Jedi where Luke is handed over to Vader on Endor and it occurred to me that the arc of these three movies should only cover a few months to maybe a year and a half.I was wondering how this scene would have played if Luke

One of the only drug cases that could justify civil forfeiture and no one will ever be charged let alone serve any time for.

I’m not a big seafood person,but the smell from making a stock and reduction from shrimp and lobster shells is right up there with the smell of baking bread.

He’s not completely wrong,they are doing exactly the same thing with these that cable did.Basic cable started out at $15 a month for basic channels and HBO as a $5 add-on.

What if after getting a ticket you start getting call to donate to various police charities and events.This happend to an ex of mine.

Part of operating a registered vehicle on a public road requires you to have a valid driver’s licence.Most people don’t remember that one of the first things they tell you when applying for a licence is that it is a privilege,not a right and you are required to have it with you and give it to the police when

Fair enough.

Devils advocate here,I’m evil corp and you called me for a quote for your article,hum,I can have PR call you back today with our answer or I can wait and hold up your publishing this piece while I have them work on rebutting you and have my astroturfers get ahead of you and spam the shit out of you and when you

It comes down to who they choose to monitor.Let’s say there is a black or latino gang and the police target them for this type of surveillance but meanwhile they know there is another group who are running a drug ring out of several middle class mostly white neighborhoods and you only go after the gang,that’s racial

This was covered in an article on the very left leaning dailykos,while she was secretary of state both Her and bill visited hospitals and newly opened sweatshops in Haiti that were organised by the clinton foundation and set up with there help and people who had been working for both of them for years.But you keep