
The fact that ignorant shills like you blind yourselves to her scumbag bullshit is pathetic.

Not a trupet and not a hillbot angry puppet either.

So where is the money,tucked away with the money they made for Haiti by building luxury hotels and sweatshops instead of shelter for the public.You are and angry and ignorant slave already.

Thanks to Her and her gang of scumbags we all lost last year.

I’m surprised she had time,with all the time and effort she and the clinton foundation have been putting into helping the people in Texas.Working to hand out food and water,giving a helping hand to the homeless,if only the press would cover that.

They went to the Supreme Court to redefine their job,they are Law Enforcers first and protecting and serving at their discretion.Your life and health are not their first priority.

The only choice.

I started using amazon because I got tired of going to places like best buy and circuit city to buy something and being told I could pay and then come back in three to five days to pick it up.These stores gave amazon a reason to exist.I grew up when you went to a store to buy something and take it with you.For me this

Resent,resemble whatever.

This is in Texas not Florida.

And they know it’s a mess,the Flash movie went from an origin story to flashpoint story.The minute Pa Kent said it was ok to let people die to protect your secret identity it was over.The current movies should be shown to be part of a bad alternate timeline and fixed.The Murderverse needs to be nuked from orbit.

Thank You for sending me down an hour long youtube rathole.While I intended to get to Clone Wars eventually,now I have to make it a priority.

You are right,but this is showing exactly why we need free speech.There are reports that this new algo is also blocking people for posting videos documenting war crimes around the world,including shutting down their sites.

On the bright side it seems to be doing a bangup job of blocking people who are posting videos documenting war crimes around the world.Wonder why this didn’t get covered in this story?

I’m just glad that this is only happening in Baltimore,because if I had to rely on my “local” corporate media “news” outlets we would be in real trouble.All they know how to do is copy and paste press releases and link to the wire services.

We have already had cases where murderers in blue have been acquitted because juries believed them over their own eyes.

Let me help you out,the national police union went all the way to the Supreme Court to get a ruling that their main function as officers is to enforce the law.This involved a case where an officer had to choose between enforcing the law or coming to the aid of a civilian ,they won the right to put arresting someone

The police have been abusing people as long as there have been police.That’s just a perk of the job to them.It’s like when people blame tv or video games for real life violence,I like to ask them so what was hitler’s favorite game or you know the rest of history before they invented these things,because a lot of

The only one I’ve rewatched more than once is the first season DD.If there wasn’t so much good TV these days I would have probably watched the others more often.