
You just don’t get it,I’ve been pissed a marvel for years.I mean once they made it clear that they were going to do this after every movie it just ruined the surprise.

So you’re the 1 person who watches all the after credits on shows that have almost no history of after credit scenes.

I just finished thanking them because I was skipping the credits.Go for a walk or run and relax.People are spending their day looking for food or just a safe place to sleep.Get some perspective.

If I had not seen this headline I would not have even know about this.I was skipping the end credits to get to the next episode.Thank you for the tip.

Woke up 430 and found it in my cue and just finished it.I think this is the best yet.Loved how they handled the teamwork.

It’s an American thing I wouldn’t expect a closet nazi to understand my point.

Of Course he did ,they won and they were all tired out from all the winning and it was time to go home.

Is anyone else scratching their head wondering why gizmodo and lifehacker have posted seperate stories about this and not only has io9 not posted a story,but none have been cross-posted to each others sites? I

They posted a version of this on gizmodo this morning and even though I usually have little patience for people who click on articles and then complain about spoiler was surprised at how many posters were firing off spoiler after spoiler without any warning. 

Yes being able to make self deluded comments using proper grammar makes you so much better.Whiny little bitch.

Their not the same,just scummy and destructive in their own way and not to our benefit.

We spend all are time fighting over the disease and no time addressing what caused the infection.We have a militant and vocal minority that keeps insisting that she deserved to be elected and refuses to understand that the majority of eligible voters rejected both candidates.We have reached a point where the only

I not happy with her jumping on the Her train,but I would still vote for her considering what we are seeing of the other possible choices.

It’s the only way to be sure.

I can see your reading comprehension is on the same level as your medical knowledge.5 year olds aren’t the main sufferers of alzheimer’s.He’s garbage and she is an evil murdering lowlife.Go to Heidi and see how Bill and Shill took the relief money and built luxury hotels and sweatshops while people now are still

Dud,call the nurse,take your meds and try again tomorrow,goodnight and I hope you get better soon.

Are you feckless,factless and fucked in the head?

Here’s a picture of Jeff S getting right on that,

What’s false about the fact that both parties have in their own disgusting ways worked to pass laws to block other candidates from entering races and openly tried to rig primaries to favor candidates who were good for the party leaders but are more then happy to shaft the voters.