
I give him no grief for this considering how many bad choices WB has made with their murderverse.Sometimes you go into things and think you can make a difference only to realize as time goes by and the deeper you go that the rot has grown too large and you’re just going to make yourself miserable trying to deal with

Yes,but google spell check didn’t offer to correct it and I was more concerned with my point then spelling.I also find it hysterical that most of the replies to my original comment are from grammar nazis’ than about actual nazis.

You really have some mental problem.In my original comment it’s clear that I think nazis are garbage,I support gay rights and in all my comments I made it clear that I do not support the alt-right or either party.You couldn’t even reason that out from what I said.Trump is too much of a fuckup to understand that

You really are uneducated and pathetic.You would make a great nazi.

Yesterday I saw a picture of a company window with a sign telling their customers that they had fired a nazi after seeing his picture on the news.I hope someone has created a site to show all these people being fired and shamed for this crap.

Give them candidates that aren’t already bought and paid for before we even meet them and you might have a chance.Our tax dollars have been going to pay for police misconduct for decades and all the elected officials wave their hands make a speech and do nothing.Both parties only care about winning not governing.The

No but there is no grilled sandwich that can’t be improved by caking the butter on the outside with parmesan cheese before grilling.

I also mentioned my support for gay marriage and gays serving in the military you idiot.Not exactly big in the alt-right circlejerk.

The only time to put it on is when you can’t sleep,better than nyquil.

One of the funniest things on torrent sites is the music section featuring digital recording made from records for the purpose of trying to duplicate the sound.Too each their own.

One of the funniest things on torrent sites is the music section featuring digital recording made from records for

Yes it can because this is still America and there is a big difference between being on the front lines and acting from a distance and making speeches.I do however thank you for actually giving information instead of lazy grammar crap.

I stopped caring about baseball when they became millionair drug addicts.And I’m not the one parroting others words because I’m too small and lazy to think for myself.

Better watch out or the grammar nazi is gonna get ya.

And again lazy pedantry instead of refuting the facts in my comment.

I was replying to a comment about Hillary,so I was staying focused,the idea that her self serving scumbaggery is better for us then his self involved douchebaggery is just wrong. 

Not alright ,nazis are garbage,more Star Trek nerd.Go fuck yourself you intellectually lazy troll.

Could also be that they don’t like Jlaw after seeing her last movie.

It’s really crazy that pedantic little bitches are allowed to use the internet,go be a lazy fucking troll somewhere else.