
Your right Hillary would not have sided with nazis.Hillary prefers using treaties to take away your rights.She has no more respect for the voting process then trump dose.Other than things that happened after losing the election find me one picture or video of her marching in the streets to protest injustice in this

The point of contact meme is nonsense,the cops don’t do stop and frisk on wall street even though they brag about their drug use.Cops don’t set up checkpoints outside of private schools and again it’s fairly common knowledge that they have access to both higher quality and quantity of drugs.I went to a mostly white

I wish I could remember which comedian it was that after showing a few photos of these people pointed out that the original nazis would have either shot most of them,put some on the them on the frontlines as canon fodder and put the rest of them on a train to the camps.I mean nazies where garbage but even they had

SJW is just another way to spell intolerant bully.Of Course you could just be trolling me.

A better title for this might be :Roots blogger posts a screed about white people’s perceived ignorance about affirmative action.

No one is more intolerant than an SJ “Warrior”.

Part of being a great chef is having screwed up enough times to fix any problem.

My version “diversity” not yours.you are also the problem.

Generally HR would need a fat file of past disciplinary actions that they have had to take against him.If this is his first offence and they have no records of having tried to counsel  him to change his behaviour and they can’t show a consistent adherence to their code of conduct they may have to eat a big bowl of

No that’s where you get presidents.

You just summed up what was wrong with the news coverage on this story.All the coverage I read and saw was about what a idiot trump is,instead of here are the facts and they show either he is somewhat right or they confirm that yes he is an idiot.I think there is more money in the yelling back and forth that in ending

Wow who could possible imagine that two parties that are staffed,run and owned by some of the most corrupt and dishonest people on the planet would end up running anyone with even the idea of being a public servant out of government service and replacing them with shills and scumbags would turn out bad for the rest of

Mystery of this episode and the preview ,where is Jorah? We know he is going to make a beeline to Danys now that he’s cured.What is he going to do when he sees D and Jon eyefucking eachother and the fact that his families Valyrian steel sword is there.I don’t see anyone mentioning this but this could lead to some

Choosing greed over survival is a common storytelling trope.I think this was to both subvert that trope and too show that Bronn isn’t a cookie cutter henchmen but an actual person trying to survive in the grey area between loyal good to a fault and black died in the wool evil.

SPOILER ****In the preview for the next episode Jon makes a comment about Bran and there is a scene involving Drogon,could we be having a little warging going on?

Yes and they also make it clear that this is the end of the caravan that they want to get inside of KL before dark.

Think about the rain of arrows in battle of the bastards and at the least it would have added more tension to the scene.

I know everybody wants the Cleganebowl,but I think that after his vision in the flames he is heading north.

Bronn just wants his castle,I wonder if he’ll be happy with one containing an iron throne.

If you rob one only a call from the governor can save you,if you open one every politician will gladly take your call.