
Drugs,almost all of them were on some type of mood altering prescribed medication.

Hey,remember when O expanded the drone program and reclassified innocent bystanders as enemy combatants and murdered hundreds of innocent people? Good Times,m’ I right.

I laughed at the description of the show in the article,it’s like they played a game of telephone and this is what came out the other end.

I would suggest that you google civil forfeiture.

In LA they had a system that relayed the dash footage back to a central data storage area and the cops started removing the antennas from their cars to stop it,by the hundreds.

Fine how about the Pigs behind him who grinned and cheered at the idea of beating up suspects.There’s the real culture of the scum and cowards hiding behind a badge.

Have you ever heard of this little outfit called Amazon? Cameras everywhere but the bathrooms and electronically tracked for their whole shift.All their doing in filling tubs with the crap we buy.Cops get caught murdering people so yes I want them monitored. 

Thanks for the compliment.I am neither a hero or a saint,but yes I have spoken up and been willing to make a written statement when I witnessed sexual harassment.I have also been a victim of it.Ofcourse since I am a white man that can’t be true. 

I wonder how many keyboard heroes will come on here a blast this douche and then tomorrow will fake smile and look the other way when the same thing happens at their job.  

What if this whole FCC fiasco is a red herring to provide congress with the cover they need to push through all that they failed to get when they were pushing sopa and cipa and went out the window with the loss of the TPP treaties.

This is my favorite picture of him.

I am firmly entrenched in the googleverce and I have no idea of what’s next but it seems that google is continually doing things that make me want to jump straight to it to get away from their bullshit.

He struck-out and there was never any joy in his mudville again.

I’m going to assume that Katharine Trendacosta drew the short straw when they were looking to replace the guy who used to get all the hate for reposting all the sploid videos.

You know what is killing the image of unions for a lot of us? Police unions,every time we see a video of a cop murdering a citizen it is always followed by the local leo’s union pres telling the public to stfu and don’t pic on our hero in blue.Followed by a uniformed officer telling you what a piece of shit the guy

You missed a cover.

This is why we no longer teach civics and history in school.Growing up as long as I can remember we spent 1 semester each year studying the constitution and the history around its writing.It was made quite clear that the founders,for all their flaws,understood the fundamental truth that no one could be trusted with

I want to make it clear that what I’m going to say is not an insult to James.My complaint is with the content supplied by marvel.I got halfway through and I just didn’t care anymore.This is the exact type of convoluted bullshit that made me stop reading comics.One of my favorite types of stories involve time travel

No they would not disappear,I agree that the owners and the hiring managers should be fined,just like a waiter or bartender is for serving liquor to a minor. I disagree about the attitude that no one else would work these jobs.I went to school for cooking and spent almost 20 years working in restaurants and I have

Just give me good stories,that’s all I want from any entertainment media.