
Just saw an article a few days ago where someone beat an iris scanner with a high-res photo placed under a contact lens (to provide curvature).

Judge’s in comic books are actually held accountable for their actions,that’s how you know it’s fiction.

He’s obviously a time remnant.So once again FUCKING BARRY!!!!!!!

I are we going to get a story about how google has started blocking searches when using a vpn.”The blocking might be related to your use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) browser plugin or program. You might try uninstalling the VPN from your computer or network and see if that makes a difference.

you know what else is a threat to net neutrality ? Chrome now considers using a vpn a violation of their terms of service.When trying to do searches in incognito mode while using a vpn you get put in an endless loop of capta searches.When you click the ,why is this happening option it tells you that by using a vpn you

Go to youtube and search for roadrage.

Iraq war,bush and cheney,just plain lied and planed war before 911 with hundreds of thousands dead.to quot many ,go fuck your self.

I’m going to have to assume you were born after they got rid of the public school civics classes.

You know what voice I don’t want to here? It lifehacker podcast starting to play on its own when I reading the comments that who.

Fucking Barry.

I’ll make your fear real.In 2011 Bart in SF blocked cell coverage to stop protesters from communicating.This also stopped everyone,involved or not,emergency or not from using their legal device.Now imagine any government agency deciding to do that with your car miles from home.There is no tech that bureaucracy won’t

There will always be a place for people who don’t know their rights and are desperate,they won’t complain when you break labor laws and can be used up like tissues and tossed aside to make room for the next group.

No,if you look at the state level you will see that both parties have passed laws raising the bar and limiting access for anyone not beholden to their clubs,and they are private clubs by law.

No they don’t love their rep,it’s just that both sides have worked hand in hand to eliminate any real competition, to insure that they can keep their job.In my state the current dem paid for ads and funded the campaign of an un-electable shit show during the reps primaries.This guaranteed that in Nov he was the most

Sadly if history and constant thread of inhumanity is any indication the crew would consist of a small handful of “Righteous men” and the “women” will be a large group of 10 to 12 year old girls who can be trained to know their place.

The same FBI that didn’t see anything wrong with not just running,but improving a child porn server for two months.

To all the people who keep repeating that this is all due to how stupid the American public is,remember that when the elites decide to take more of and then all of our rights away,because that is the excuse they will use.

Yes I am using my ms account and I followed their directions to clear the cash and restart,that’s when it lasted 9 days and the next time I opened edge all my bookmarks were gone.I haven’t changed my settings since they first added it.The frustrating part was that it happened randomly,sometimes the next day at other