
Watching Madeleine Albright tell women they by long in hell if they didn’t shut up and do what they are told was very informative. I’ve met more than one women who’s idea of being independent and assertive mainly consisted of copying some of the worst behavior of men.

I fell asleep watching this Monday and so restated it in the background while I read some articles in the morning and it just hit me how bad the acting was on this episode.I like the show but the line readings made me cringe.

Microsoft does not know.For some people it started with the anniversary update,but for me it started a few months ago.The longest it has maintained any bookmarks is 9 days.Then when I open Edge I am greeted with the instructions of how to add favorites and import bookmark from other browsers.The save and reinstall is

Edge,in some cases will repeatedly erase all your data and microsoft’s answer is that you should always save and backup all your bookmarks and info and reinstall it.They have known about this for months and that is their solution for not being able to fulfill a basic browser function.

Now playing

Not Star Wars,but I think this can go here.I heard this today,please ignore the clown costume.

This needs to be a t-shirt.

we need someone to check and see if CBS has had a sudden influx of ex-WB movies executives.

Best thing I ever did for this problem was to buy a small tray and a hook to hang my sunglasses on.Empty my pockets,put everything(change,keys,eyedrops) in tray and hang glasses by the door.I haven’t lost any daily use items for years.

Did anyone else get the feeling that the people in the church laying on the floor at the beginning of the show are the start of the GR?

At Least none of them are secret Nazis,well so far.

Please add more buttons to click, I love having to scroll back and forth to read the comments, I hated getting to the end of the story and just browsing down the page.

Samsung would like you to thank you for that kind of thinking to yourself.

Looking forward to the one shot issue in which Mister Mxyzptlk travels the past changing all the hero’s mother’s name to Martha. 

If a JUDGE breaks the law it’s an automatic judgement of death,not a week of paid vacation and a promotion in a year or two.

“Hey, you guys like Kitty Pryde and Cable, right?” For some reason my brain rendered this in the voice of the Joker in the Red Hood.

I thought the same thing but then I remembered that after one of their big mutant crossover events something happened to Storm and she showed up as a child and that someone was after her and other children with silver spheres that captured them.I can’t remember who it was but I do remember that Mojo was pissed about

Let me correct my statement,you are hateful and ignorant,this is an open forum and you reverted to name calling because you don’t think you should have to read dissenting opinions.He did not violate the sites guidelines and he has a right to his opinion.

Probably a free speech thing,I wouldn’t expect a hateful person like you to understand.

Anyone else notice that your local TV sites aren’t even covering this? This is why we can’t trust the Corporate Media Complex to tell us the news anymore.

No and most of them say this on the opening tab.Here is google’s. Pages you view in incognito tabs won’t stick around in your browser’s history, cookie store, or search history after you’ve closed all of your incognito tabs. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be kept.